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CDS WG Agenda 2013-09

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Final Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda Sept 2013 Work Group Meeting, Cambridge, GA

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed and Thurs

Co-Chair Elections: 2 open seats, 2 candidates - R. Jenders and K. Kawamoto)

Wed Q1: Regular session - [Joint with SD and CQI, hosted by SD] (CDS to join in SD room)

vMR/QDM harmonization

Expression Functional Model

Discussion of Health eDecisions related specifications

Review of ballot comments from Work Group members

Medium and long-term direction following this round of specifications

Wed Q2: Regular session

Health eDecisions related ballot discussion and reconciliation

Wed Q3: Joint session with Pharmacy (Pharmacy to host)

Health eDecisions related ballot reconciliation

- Discussion of the specifications

- Review of ballot comments from Work Group members

- Medium and long-term direction following this round of specifications

ALSO: interested members to join CQI for Quality measurement-CDS harmonization discussion

Wed Q4: Regular session

Infobutton update and discussion: 1) whether to get started on a consolidated guide that merges the two Infobutton IGs; 2) requests for specific documents; 3) MU certification and lab result values; 4) mainSearchCriteria language; 5) drug-drug interaction use case; 6) task concept for "patient education entry".

Health eDecisions related ballot discussion and reconciliation

ALSO: interested members to join CQI for Quality measurement-CDS harmonization discussion

Thurs Q1: Joint with Orders and Observations and Patient Care and Templates -- join O&O in their room

Order placement service interface specification project -- brief update and discussion

Brief update on status of other services -- communication service, event subscription and notification service

Discussion of Health eDecisions related specifications

Review of ballot comments from Work Group members

Medium and long-term direction following this round of specifications

Thurs Q2: Regular session

Health eDecisions related ballot discussion and reconciliation

Thurs Q3: Joint session with ITS and potentially other groups (I&M, ArB, etc.) (room TBD)

Discussion of Health eDecisions related specifications

Review of ballot comments from Work Group members

Medium and long-term direction following this round of specifications

Thurs Q4: Regular session

Health eDecisions related ballot discussion and reconciliation