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Line 14: Line 14:
  o Incorrect OID. Change OID from “2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588” to “2.16.840.1.113883.5.111” here:  
  o Incorrect OID. Change OID from “2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588” to “2.16.840.1.113883.5.111” here:  
< healthCareFacility classCode=" DSDLOC">  
&lt;healthCareFacility classCode=" DSDLOC">  
         < code code=" GIM" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588" displayName=" General internal medicine clinic"/>  
         &lt;code code=" GIM" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588" displayName=" General internal medicine clinic"/>  
</ healthCareFacility>
  o Incorrect LOINC codes. Replace 10153-2, 10223-2, 10157-2 respectively with: 11348-0 HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS, 10200-4 PHYSICAL FINDINGS HEART, 10157-6 HISTORY OF FAMILY MEMBER DISEASES
  o Incorrect LOINC codes. Replace 10153-2, 10223-2, 10157-2 respectively with: 11348-0 HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS, 10200-4 PHYSICAL FINDINGS HEART, 10157-6 HISTORY OF FAMILY MEMBER DISEASES

Revision as of 01:32, 17 August 2006

Section 3: CDA Document Exchange in HL7 Messages

o Table 4: HL7 V3 Medical Records :: CDA Mapping will need to be updated when the V3 Medical Records ballot becomes normative. 

Section 1.2.2 The “A” in “CDA”

o Example 2 – hierarchy isn’t correct. Bottom 4 bullets each need to move one step to the right.

Section A.2 Sample CDA Instance

o Where Observation.classCode=”COND”, refer to latest recommendations from Patient Care TC regarding how to value Observation.statusCode. 
o Incorrect OID. Change OID from “2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588” to “2.16.840.1.113883.5.111” here: 

<healthCareFacility classCode=" DSDLOC">

       <code code=" GIM" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.10588" displayName=" General internal medicine clinic"/> 


o Incorrect LOINC codes. Replace 10153-2, 10223-2, 10157-2 respectively with: 11348-0 HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS, 10200-4 PHYSICAL FINDINGS HEART, 10157-6 HISTORY OF FAMILY MEMBER DISEASES
o Incorrect Date. Replace “200004071530” with “200004071430” as shown.

<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">

 <statusCode code="completed"/>
 <effectiveTime value="200004071430"/>
 <targetSiteCode code="368208006" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" codeSystemName="SNOMED CT" displayName="Left arm"/>
 <entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
   <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
     <statusCode code="completed"/>
     <effectiveTime value="200004071530 --> 200004071430"/>
     <value xsi:type="PQ" value="132" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
 <entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
   <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
     <statusCode code="completed"/>
     <effectiveTime value="200004071530 --> 200004071430"/>
     <value xsi:type="PQ" value="86" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
