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Body Mass Index Project

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Body Mass Index (BMI) Project

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Project Overview

The scope of this project is to develop a BMI implementation guide using the HL7 V2 ORU message.

The guide will contain a profile that describes the transmission of body mass index (BMI) data (Required: height, weight, gender, date of birth, and date of measurement. Optional: BMI result, additional demographics) from electronic health record systems (EHRs) to public health surveillance systems.

The scope of the implementation guide includes: • sending BMI histories including demographic information from EHRs to public health surveillance systems for individuals; • Public health surveillance systems acknowledging receipt of BMI histories to EHRs; • Public health surveillance systems reporting errors in the messaging process to EHRs;

This guide will follow the style of HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide, S&I Framework Lab Results Interface, Release 1 – US Realm, and will align with the HL7 Version 2.5.1: Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging, Release 1.4

At this time the project is intended to be a U.S. Realm only document. As stated in the Project Need section, this project is a response to HITECH that is US specific.

This guide is a building block that is expected to allow/guide messaging of other public health data from EHRs to public health surveillance systems.

Project Meetings

TBD on a weekly basis

Project Documents

The project documentation is provided below.

Meeting Minutes

Current Documents and Resources' -

Project Facilitators

The BMI V2 Implementation Guide project team comprises of the following project facilitators: