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August 29, 2013 Financial Management Work Group Conference Call

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Revision as of 08:39, 30 August 2013 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
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Conference Call Schedule

  • Occurs on Thursday May 30, June 27, July 25, and Aug 29 @ 2:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
  • Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 686300# (alternative for US if the first number doesn't work: +1 888-321-4501)


August 29, 2013 Call Agenda

Agenda Topics

  1. (5 min) Roll Call, call for agenda item, approve July 25 FM Minutes
  2. (10 min) Review of Action Items – FHIR FM, v.2.9 update
  3. (30 min) Jay Zimmerman to present on CCHI proposals
  4. (15 min) Other Business - WGM Planning
  5. (5 min) Next call agenda, interim work


Presiding Co-chair - Paul Knapp

  • RE: Approval of agenda and minutes
Motion Moved Second Affirm Abstain Opposed

Approval of FM May 30 Minutes






Jay explained the Saudi business requirements and the changes he is proposing. He will take this to OO for their review of the Lab Test Report. We will discuss his models during Sept. WGM Q3-Q4.

  • RE: Other Business - WGM Planning: Previous WGM FM meetings have been on M Q4, W Q 3-4. See Jan 2013 Agenda. M Q4 will cover v.2 and FHIR issues, NCPDP representative may attend W Q3-4 to discuss shared interests.
  • RE: Next call agenda, interim work
  • Meeting Adjourned

Action Items

  • Kathleen to publish approved minutes from this call and the Sept. WGM FM meeting agenda.
  • Jay to draft CCHI Project Scope Statement

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