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Ask ARB about example status change

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This is a page of type Category:InM Open Action Items.

Ask ARB about example status change

Opened 20060619 Telcon

Assigned to: Tony Julian
Was action item 1083

ask ARB about normative interactions currently explicitly marked as examples, non implementable now being marked implementable

  • 20060619, Tony Julian, new, shared messages
    • 20060828, Rene: to add some detail: originally the shared messages domain was designated to define re-usable Message Types (payloads) but not Interactions. Interactions, Application Roles and Trigger Events were smetimes added to illustrate the use of the Message Types. The artefacts were designated (in textual form) as being "examples, non implementable". Because they were part of the ballot, their status has progressed to normative. Nowadays the Shared Messages domain also defines re-usable Interactions. We now would like to turn some of the old "Example" interactions into "real, implementable" interactions. Changing the deignation may be a substantive change.
    • 20060914 WGM: Tony Julian: E-mail sent to ARB to re-request action on this task
  • 20060915 WGM: Tony: No update, ARB is running behind.
  • 20070108: WGM: we'll be meeting week. ARB telcons tend to get cancelled.
  • 20070122: Tony will discuss with ARB on 2007-01-25
  • 20070326: Tony - Email to ARB:Could the ARB please rule on this?

My personal opinion is that since the artifacts in question were non-implementable, no-one should have implemented them. Since changes to Shared messages makes them implementable, I would consider the change in designation to be substantive - since it is the same as new content. It is also backward compatable, since is was originally non-implementable, and should not have been implemented.

  • 20080114:WGM: Out of scope for ARB: Will take it to the TSC.
  • 20080331:Telcon Closed - no longer pertinent.