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Anatomic Pathology Work Group

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Revision as of 13:58, 31 December 2012 by Jdlnolen (talk | contribs) (→‎Legend)
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20111102 This status is in process of being updated

The Pathology Special Interest Group is in ramp-up stage. There is a sizable group of people who believe that the time is ripe for a CDA based standard for Surgical Pathology reports, and that we will also need to maintain a migration path to HL7 v2 based messaging. This will be the goal for the first standard.

The vision would be to have an interoperable surg path report standard implemented by most major pathology system vendors by the end of 2007. That means we should have a pilot in fall 2007 (APIII venue?). The scope and depth of the specification would be the normal free text report, with required structured data elements for basic specimen description as well as the College of American Pathologists' (CAP) "protocols" of synoptic report data, as structured data elements.


Current Agenda for January 2013 WG Meeting


  • business icon - business
  • ballot reconciliation icon - ballot reconciliation
  • technical icon - technical
  • / = joint session
  • + = session with representatives of

Day Date ' Time Icon Event Chair Scribe Room
Monday Jan 14 AM Q1 No meeting
Q2 No meeting
PM Q3 No meeting
Q4 technical icon OO/Patient Care
  • Allergy / Intolerance Project Update
  • TBD
Tuesday Jan 15 AM Q1 ballot reconciliation icon OO
  • V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation
Q2 ballot reconciliation icon OO/Rx + Pt Safety + RCRIM + PHER
  • TBD
PM Q3 technical icon OO
  • Specimen Project
Q4 ballot reconciliation icon OO
  • LOI IG Ballot Reconciliation
Wednesday AM Q1 technical icon OO/II/AP/CG
  • Specimen Project
Q2 technical icon OO + FHIR
  • tbd
PM Q3 technical icon OO
  • Lab Model / Composite Order
Q4 technical icon OO
  • Lab Model / Composite Order
Thursday Jan 17 AM Q1 technical icon TBD. Possible further talks on WG topics
PM Q3 No meeting
Q4 No meeting
Friday Jan 18 AM Q1

No Meeting


No Meeting

PM Q3 No Meeting
Q4 No Meeting

Past Agendas

Agenda for San Diego, 2011

Agenda for San Antonio, 2012

Agenda for Vancouver, BC 2012

Agenda for Baltimore, 2012

Temporary Contents

Files for Review

Update 20120628: Updated Spec ID doc