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Hello all,

The following were sent to me via direct email. I had hoped that we could ‘discuss’ on the list but clearly did not get it posted. Time permitting, perhaps we can discuss during committee this week.


Tracey Brown
Just a few questions:

I know in Radiology (DICOM) Substance Administration is getting a lot of attention and I would assume that they would intend to use this same list for drugs and contrast administered in Radiology/Cardiology.

1. Is rapid push the same as power injector, in the terminology used in this list for injections? 2. Under Suppository Route; Swallow, Oral is there, is that correct? 3. Also, under Enema; in Radiology there is assisted retention of the enema as well as enemas introduced via colostomy.


Cheryl Bunch
Can you help us understand why:

- extracorporeal routes have a site of artery (lines 8, 67) - why "Injection, extra-amniotic" has a site of "amniotic sac" (line 66)? - Is the route "Injection, interameningeal" intended to be "Injection, intermeningeal" or "Injection, intrameningeal"? (line 73) - Should the site for subconjunctival be "under the conjunctiva" rather than "under the eye" and "conjunctiva", respectively? (lines 130, 237) - Should the site for "Instillation, urinary catheter" be urinary bladder as per mnemonic BLADINSTL? (line 198) - Is it correct that all cervical routes are intended to represent the uterine cervix as opposed to the cervical area of the neck?

Regards, Garry

HL7 Pharmacy SIG Co-Chair