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201805 FHIRcast

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Dedicated Zulip chat stream for this track.

Previous FHIRcast Connectathons

Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group

Imaging Integration, FHIR-I, CDS


The Imaging Integration working group is sponsoring a project to create a new context synchronization profile called FHIRcast (FHIR-I and CDS are co-sponsors).

We're working within the RIS/PACS community to identify a common, lightweight application synchronization standard.

Following implementer feedback at the January Connectathon, we altered the draft spec from a new UserSession FHIR resource and FHIR Subscriptions. This track is an important step in validating and advancing the maturity of the new interactions and resources associated with both FHIRcast. This updated specification is under active review in the community.

This track will prototype this workflow synchronization using a webhooks pattern with FHIR as the underlying content data model according to the draft FHIRcast specification.

Proposed Track Lead

See Connectathon_Track_Lead_Responsibilities

Isaac Vetter

FHIR version


Expected participants

Sectra, Epic, Siemens



The Hub manages users' sessions, accepts subscriptions, is responsible for notifications and is closely aligned with the SMART server and FHIR server.

  • Must accept new subscriptions.
  • Must verify subscribed callback urls.
  • Must POST notifications to subscribed callback urls.


Subscribes to a user's session topic on the hub, receives and processes event notifications.

  • Must request subscription to topic and events on hub url.
  • Must respond to url verification.
  • Must accept event notification.


Subscriber creates new subscription; hub respond with 202

Action: Subscriber POSTs WebSub subscription request to hub for a specific hub.topic and
Precondition: Subscriber must know hub base url, hub.topic (session identifier) and supported events. Use _open-patient-chart_, _close-patient-chart_ for events for connectathon.
Success Criteria: Hub persists subscription.
Bonus point: n/a

Subscriber is notified of user session change per subscription

Action: Hub/Publisher POSTs notification to subscriber for a subscribed event and topic/session.
Precondition: Subscriber subscribes correctly, see previous scenario.
Success Criteria: Subscriber responds with 2xx code.
Bonus point: Subscriber validates X-Hub-Signature.
Bonus point*10: Subscriber changes its UI to match the patient-chart-open event.

Subscriber is notified of topic/session id, hub url during SMART app launch from Hub

Action: Subscribing client launches from Hub, according to SMART EHR launch.
Precondition: n/a
Success Criteria: Subscriber receives hub base url and hub.topic in SMART launch and performs scenario #1.
Bonus point*100: Subscriber launches using SMART standalone launch.