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201801 Scheduling

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Revision as of 02:05, 16 January 2018 by Ehaas (talk | contribs) (→‎Scenarios)
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Return to Jan 2018 Proposals

Background For Scheduling

This track is based upon Argonaut Scheduling project and the Argonaut Scheduling Implementation Guide CI Build

This track will focus on these Use Cases:

  • Patient based Scheduling Use Cases
    • Use Case 1: Patient Portal Scheduling for existing patients
    • Use Case 2: Open Scheduling for new patient or existing patient
    • Use Case 3 Prefetching Open Slots
  • Provider based Scheduling Use Cases
    • Use Case 4: Scheduling across systems
    • Use Case 5: Scheduling for existing patient across systems

... and specifically these transactions

  • Appointment Availability Search Operation
  • Appointment booking Operation
  • Search for booked Appointment
  • Cancels or cancel/reschedules
  • Prefetching and updating Slots

For additional background, review the Appointment resource especially the section on the "usual" workflow and a discussion on statuses, and what would be expected.

Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group

The Argonaut Project


The Argonaut Scheduling Project is a vendor agnostic specification providing FHIR RESTful APIs and guidance for access to and booking of appointments for patients by both patient and practitioner end users. This specification is based on FHIR Version 3.0.1 and specifically the Scheduling and Appointment resources.

Proposed Track Lead

Eric Haas

Expected participants



Name Use Case 1 Use Case 2 Use Case 3 Use Case 4 Use Case 5
Epic X X
Telstra Health (HealthConnex) X
HealthSamuri (tentative) X
Health eData Inc (facade) X


Name Use Case 1 Use Case 2 Use Case 3 Use Case 4 Use Case 5
ZocDoc X
Health eData Inc (PostMan Test Client) X X X X X



Provider or 3rd Party consumer application (Client)

An application that should be used by an end user (e.g., patient or practitioner) to search for information to support creating a referral, and can book an appointment on a client's behalf

FHIR Server (EHR)

A Server that that processes appointment availability booking requests and allocates either participants, or times to these requests.

If creating a client application, this track should require minimal work in advance of the connectathon, though at least a bit of playing is recommended. If creating a server, advanced preparation will be required. To somewhat limit the effort involved we have provided a simple set Argo Scheduling Sprint Test Data to get you started. The corresponding FHIR resources for the test data has been loaded on the Telstra FHIR test server and can be fetched using the FHIR API. They are also available as FHIR bundles in xml format.


See the the Argonaut Scheduling Implementation Guide CI Build Use Cases: