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20170728 PLA/CIMI call

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HL7 PLA Call Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 985371,

'Date: 2016-07-28
Time: 1PM
Facilitator Mary Kay/ Austin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

Calvin Beebe
Lorraine Constable
Jean Duteau,
Rick Haddorff
Tony Julian
Paul Knapp
Austin Kreisler,
Mary Kay McDaniel
Brian Pech
Wayne Kubick
John Roberts
Stan Huff
Richard Esmond
Galen Mulrooney
Linda Bird

no quorum definition


  • Introductions
  • CIMI Product Family


Convened Austin presented PLA Product Family PPT outlining the steps for starting a new Product Family

Action Items: - PLA present to full CIMI group

   At Sept WGM
   Action Item FOR:  Richard (options)

- Begin M&C, MK to forward to Richard and Stan

   1st cut, ensure all perspectives/specializations are included
   Follow-up call to review the M&C
   Next Call: 2 wks, 1 hour later. MK work with Anne to arrange

- Once M&C is complete, forward to TSC - Plan messaging (socialize) for September WGM


Meeting Outcomes

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