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2017-12-15 CDAMG Conference Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes


Date: 2017-12-15
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Facilitator Brett Marquard Note taker(s) Lisa Nelson
Attendee Name

X George Dixon
X Jean Duteau
X Rick Geimer
Kai Heitmann
X Brett Marquard
Regrets Linda Michaelsen
Regrets Dale Nelson
X Lisa Nelson
Andrew Statler
Quorum: Chair +3

Agenda (with Integrated Minutes)

  • Note: We should work with HL7 to get a FreeConference Call set up
  • Moved meeting to freeconference call - should we do this for all calls going forward? Yes
    • Motion to move to using Free Conference Call (Rick/George) 0-0-4
    • ACTION: follow up with Anne to make changes in schedule
  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of [[2017-11-17_CDAMG_Conference_Call] and [2017-12-05_CDAMG_Conference_Call]]
    • Approved by concensus
  • Review Prior Action Items
    • Discuss proposed additional information to gather for CDA Project List
      • Review new columns added to the CDA Project List
      • Discuss role of WG Liasons to collect additional Project information
        • Vision is to collect majority of the information PRIOR TO the WG meeting, complete the list during the WG meeting (last 10%)
    • Review progress on CMG CDA Wiki Page
      • Reviewed progress, considered following the pattern of the FHIR wiki page
      • 3 columns:CDA Implementation CDA Standards Development, Organizational
    • Review planned Activities for NOLA WG Meeting, clarify scheduling
      • CMG F2F - Monday Q4
        • All were good with doing this at this time
        • Proposed CMG F2F Meeting Discussion Topics
          • What are the requirements of a CDA Templates Registry?
          • Discuss need for CDA Templates Registry with HL7 CTO Wayne Kubick - Wednesday Q1
          • Discuss the envisioned "superceeding" of CDA R2.0 with CDA R2.1 what it means to ANSI and HL7 Publishing and Implementer Use
          • Create a check list procedure for CMG members to use when reviewing PSSs, Document CMG PSS Review process to be followed
      • Discuss SDWG SWOT with SDWG during planned topic Hosted by SDWG - Yes.

  • Additional Discussion Topics
    • What is needed to complete our initial Risk Management Plan?
  • Parking Lot

Meeting Outcomes

Summary of Votes/Key Decisions
  • REMINDER: No CMG Meeting on 12/22 or 12/29
  • REMINDER: F2F CMG Meeting during NOLA WG Meeting on Monday Q4 (1/29/18)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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