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2017-07-12 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2017-07-12
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Lorraine Constable,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. Wayne Kubick, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
Hans Buitendijk x Brian Postlethwaite x Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel x John Moehrke x Brian Pech
Grahame Grieve x Eric Haas, Chris Johnson


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 2017-07-05_FMG_concall
  • Action items
    • Lloyd to put together a draft template for IG proposals and clean up some of the profile proposal template.
    • David to send FMG comments to Patient Care re: Revised Pharmacist Care Plan
    • Paul to review STU FMM rationale and discuss with SGB
    • David to check with Simon on Connectathon in China
  • Discussion Topics
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Roll Call
    • No visitors
  • Agenda Check
    • Add: next steps with QA criteria
    • MOTION to accept: Lloyd
  • Minutes from 2017-07-05_FMG_concall
    • MOTION to approve: John/Lloyd
    • VOTE: All in favor
  • Action items
    • Lloyd to put together a draft template for IG proposals and clean up some of the profile proposal template.
      • Add for next week
    • David to send FMG comments to Patient Care re: Revised Pharmacist Care Plan
      • They are aware; complete.
    • Paul to review STU FMM rationale and discuss with SGB
      • Add for next week.
    • David to check with Simon on Connectathon in China
      • Complete. They are planning to do one but they are not organized yet.
  • Discussion Topics
    • Next steps with QA criteria
      • Lloyd reports that criteria has been out for review by commiters and implementers for several weeks. We have not received much feedback. Suspects that review has not been careful or complete. Options: We could encourage certain people to look at it with more rigor; we could put it in place and wait for feedback; we could not put it in place at all. Nervous about proclaiming that this is the consensus view on what quality criteria should be given the limited amount of discussion. John: One reason is the criteria is mostly derived from stuff we've already reviewed; another is that this is an especially bad time of year to do this kind of thinking.
        • Decision to go through the work and turn the wiki page into a spreadsheet that people can use to report QA levels; we should notify everyone that thought that they were level 3, 4, of 5 that they should review the additional requirements and do the QA for their dependent artifacts (extensions, value sets, etc.); we should put something big and bold at the top of the QA spreadsheet and corresponding wiki pages to send feedback to FMG contact.
      • Discussion over bringing this up at cochair dinner; group agrees to this strategy if approved by TSC. Do we want to set the expectation that anything expecting to ballot normative must have passed the criteria for December ballot? Will re-evaluate this. Discussion over Sunday Q4 session for briefing cochairs - may need to resurrect this.
        • ACTION: Lloyd to coordinate with Ron Shapiro
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Brian Pech: Sent out email last week to cochairs and FHIR list. Not sure what numbers are at this point. Debate over the last week over whether room capacity is high enough. Lloyd reports that we have room for up to 500, according to Mary Ann. Saw an email from Claude Nanjo about a CIMI Connectathon a couple of days before the FHIR Connectathon; discussion over whether it is competing (doesn't seem to be).
    • FGB
      • No quorum on last call
    • MnM –
      • Also has not had quorum
    • FMG Liaisons
      • John: IHE is touching their toe in the water at using the FHIR conformance resources to publish, along with the typical IHE profile. Support has been appreciated; likely to be a long process.
  • Adjourned at 4:35 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

2017-07-19 FMG concall

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