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2017-06-12 Rx Conf Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 05:12, 10 June 2017 by Jduteau (talk | contribs)
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Agenda Items and notes

Tracker Items

FHIR Tracker

Medication Related (Group = A)

  • 13392 Enhance the Medication resource for alignment with the IDMP Authorized Medicinal Product model
    • 12396 Medication package and product
    • 12395 Basis of Strength Substance
  • 12671 Consider adding "maintenance drug Indicator" on medication when discussing formulary.

Dosage Related (Group = B)

  • 13383 We need to be able to specify that a dosage timing must be obeyed exactly
  • 13382 We need Dosage.text to be a CodeableConcept
  • 13381 We need a way to express <daysAdministeredAmount> and <daysNotAdministeredAmount> in Dosage
  • 13380 Possible new element in Dosage: calculationBasis
  • 13317 Allow Dosage to express a medication should start/stop relative to an event
  • 12791 Update dosage Instruction to include pre-condition and therapeutic target

Misc (Group = none)

  • 13449 add medicationRequest.intendedPerformer to the search parameters
  • Confirm what the tracker item is related to
Action:  Melva to create a tracker item - related to additional tracker item related to Header
  • 13044 Fix performer on MedicationAdministration - update description and add role back in with appropriate value set
    • waiting on changes from Workflow
  • 13043 Fix performer on MedicationDispense - update description and add role back in with appropriate value set
    • waiting on changes from Workflow
  • 12473 Status Review - consider splitting clinical status from verification status
  • 12332 Limitations on searches? - elements with type selection; chained searches
Action:  reach out to Scott to see if tracker 12332 can be withdrawn or referred to FHIR-I

Order Service Catalogue Project

  • To follow the Order Catalog work, use the following listserv:
  • Update from John Hatem

International Chemotherapy Implementation FHIR IG

CIMI Pharmacy Model Update

  • Update from John Hatem

Action Item List

  • Action item list - update from John Hatem


Next meeting

  • Monday, June 19, 2017 at 1pm Eastern - NOTE, new time for weekly teleconference