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2017-04-06 Patient Care FHIR Call

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Meeting Information

Patient Care FHIR Resources Conference Call

Location: Conference Call
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377

Date: 2017-04-06
Time: 5-6:30pm ET
Facilitator Michelle M Miller Note taker(s) Michelle M Miller
Attendee Name Affiliation

X Elaine Ayres NIH/Department of Clinical Research Informatics
Pushpalatha Bhat
X Stephen Chu The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA)
Evelyn Gallego EMI Advisors LLC
Eric Haas Haas Consulting
X Rob Hausam Hausam Consulting LLC
Laura Heermann-Langford Intermountain Healthcare
X Emma Jones Allscripts
X Russ Leftwich InterSystems
Tony Little Optum 360
Jay Lyle Ockham Information Services LLC, VA
Russell McDonell Telstra Health
Lloyd McKenzie Gevity (HL7 Canada)
Larry McKnight Cerner
X Michelle M Miller Cerner
Lisa Nelson Life Over Time Solutions
Viet Nguyen Lockheed Martin, Systems Made Simple
M'Lynda Owens Cognosante
Craig Parker Intermountain Healthcare
X Joe Quinn Optum
Simon Sum Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Iona Thraen Dept of Veterans Affairs
Serafina Versaggi Dept of Veterans Affairs
Bob Milius NMDP
Kirt Schaper CIBMTR
X Mike P
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes 2017-03-23_Patient_Care_FHIR_Call
    • Motion: <moved>/<seconded>
  3. Zulip topics
  4. Prior Action Item Follow-up
  5. gForge change request

Supporting Information



  • Blood, Tissue, Organ Donation
    • NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) and CIBTMR (Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research) would like to participate in helping develop a new resource for transplant material
    • It would include things like bone marrow, cord blood, peripheral blood stem cells, solid organs, blood transfusion, etc
    • Align with scope of ISBT128, the purpose of which is: to provide standards and guidance for the coding and labeling of medical products of human origin (MPHO): blood, cellular therapy, tissues, regenerated tissue, milk, fecal microbiota, topical products of human origin, in vivo diagnostic MPHO, and organs for transplant, as well as those plasma derivatives for which ABO is relevant. (we may want to extend the scope to “biological origin” rather than limiting to “human origin”)
    • Previously, Patient Care had voted to create a new resource, per GF#8458
  • CareTeam for Preferred Pharmacist?

Prior Action Items

GF#13004 extension-condition-criticality needs a binding to a value set

No implementer feedback

gForge Change Requests

  • GF#13047 Add DosageInstructions to Procedure (Jamie Hignite) - related to GF#12966 ProcedureRequest - add DosageInstructions or Quantity
  • GF#13046 Add relevantHistory 0..* Provance to Procedure (Jamie Hignite)
  • GF#13087 Create example for no known allergies (Rick Geimer)


Adjourned at <hh:mm am/pm> <timezone>.

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  1. Agenda review
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
    • Motion: <moved>/<seconded> Abstain - <#>, Negative - <#>, Approve - <#>
  3. gForge change request

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