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201605 Workflow

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Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group

FHIR Infrastructure, Patient Care, Patient Administration


Workflow is a primary focus of the upcoming release. A number of new approaches are being proposed and they need to be tested

Proposed Track Lead

See Connectathon_Track_Lead_Responsibilities Keith Boone ( Skype: kwboone

Expected participants

Ron Shapiro
Pascal Pfiffner
Boston Children's Hospital
Angus Millar
Nikolai Schwertner
Boston Children's Hospital
Rik Smithies
Keith Boone
GE Healthcare

Use Case

It's time for our patient to get his annual physical exam.

  1. Rik will create a Task for the Patient to schedule the prework as part of his care plan.
  2. Patrick will ask the Patient to select the Laboratory which will perform his results. The patient will select a lab (e.g., Acme Labs), and Patrick will create a new task, #containing the Laboratory Order as input, and assign that task to Acme labs to perform.
  3. Angus will monitor the task list for tasks assigned to Acme lab, perform the test, produce the results, and attach them as the output of the lab task, marking that task as complete.
  4. Ron will monitor all tasks to track what is happening.

Track Stream

Our Track Stream
