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201601 Structured Data Capture

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Structured Data Capture

Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group

Orders and Observations (O&O)


Proposed Track Lead

Lloyd McKenzie

Skype ID: lmckenzi

Expected participants


Role 1 Name


Scenario Step 1 Name

Success Criteria:
Bonus point:


Objective: Test the form creation language defined by the SDC specification

1. Create an SDC-conformant form

Action: SDC Form Designed creates a new Questionnaire instance that is conformant with the SC Questionnaire profile
Precondition: none
Success Criteria: Form passes validation against the Questionnaire schema and the Questionnaire schematron, and is identified as valid against the SDC Questionnaire profile by the FHIR profile validation tool
Bonus Point: Define a Questionnaire that includes conditional display
Bonus Point: Define a Questionnaire that includes special rendering/style requirements
Bonus Point: Define contained or independently persisted value sets

2. Submit form

Action: SDC Form Designer submits Questionnaire to an SDC Form Manager for storage
Precondition: Questionnaire has been defined, Form Designer knows base URL for form manager
Success Criteria: Questionnaire is sorted on Form Manager Server

3. Query forms

Action: SDC Form Filler or SDC Form Designer searchers an SDC Form Manager for Questionnaires using one or more of the SDC-supported search criteria
Precondition: Questionnaires are available on the SDC Form Manager
Success Criteria: Set of matching Questionnaires is returned
Bonus Point: Make use of sorting and paging parameters

4. Update form

Action: the SDC Form Designer revises an existing Questionnaire previously stored in the SDC Form Manager and submits an update
Precondition: A version of the Questionnaire exists on the SDC Form Manager and the Form Designer
Success Criteria: A new version of the Questionnaire exists on the SDC Form Manager. The original version remains accessible via a history query
Bonus Point: Hand collision detection using e-tags

5. Data elements

Action: the SDC Form Designer allows the form author to search for an appropriate data element on an SDC Data Element Registry and link to that data element from a question before storing the Questionnaire
Precondition: A set of DataElements are available for query
Success Criteria: A Questionnaire exists on an SDC Form Manager having questions linked to DataElements

Completed Forms

Objective: Test the ability to render, navigate, and capture data based on forms defined using SDC syntax

1. Render SDC form for input

Action: SDC Form Filler converts the definition of an SDC Questionnaire into a user interface that can solicit data from a human
Precondition: SDC Questionnaire has been retrieved
Success Criteria: Human can fill out the form populating the questions and groups within the Questionnaire
Bonus Point: Enforce conditional display while the user populates the Questionnaire
Bonus Point: Render the Questionnaire taking into account the special rendering/style requirements
Bonus Point: Provider appropriate interfaces to select from a referenced ValueSet

2. Record answers

Action: SDC Form Filler submits completed QuestionnaireAnswers to an SDC Form Receiver
Precondition: SDC Questionnaire has been received and populated
Success Criteria: QuestionnaireAnswers instance is available for query on the SDC Form Filler
Bonus Point: Store a partially-completed QuestionnaireAnswers
Bonus Point: Validate that the QuestionnaireAnswers instance is valid against the Questionnaire and referenced ValueSets

3. Update answers

Action: SDC Form Filler retrieves QuestionnaireAnswers instance and associated Questionnaire and displays the Questionnaire with data populated for update
Precondition: SDC Questionnaire and QuestionnaireAnswers instances are available for query
Success Criteria: Revised QuestionnaireAnswers instance is stored on SDC Form Receiver reflecting user's edits
Bonus Point: Ensure conditional display rules are enforced based on already populated data

Form Population

Objective: Test ability to pre-populate/auto-populate forms

1. Pre-populate a form

Action: SDC Form Filler invokes the $populate operation on an SDC Form Manager passing a Questionnaire id and a C-CDA instance
Precondition:SDC Form Filler has retrieved an SDC Form referencing DataElements which contain xpath mappings to a C-CDA document where the specified paths exist in the test C-CDA instance
Success Criteria: The SDC Form Filler receives a QuestionnaireAnswers instance with the matching questions populated
