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201601 CDS on FHIR Connectathon Track Proposal

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FHIR-Based Clinical Quality Framework Jan 2016 FHIR Connectathon Track

Clinical Quality Improvement Framework

The goal of this track is to use the new KnowledgeModule resource and the accompanying CQIF IG to inform the direction of Clinical Quality work in FHIR.

Specifically, we propose working with the various CDS-related initiatives currently being worked on in FHIR to help solidify the design of the KnowledgeModule and related resources and profiles.

Submitting WG/Project/Implementer Group


There is currently a lot of interest in the clinical quality community in how best to use FHIR to advance the goals of improving patient care through the effective use of quality measurement and intervention. At the same time, there are currently multiple approaches being used within the FHIR community, motivated by different use cases. This connectathon track will provide a vehicle for exploring how best to approach the implementation of these use cases in decision support and quality measurement scenarios.

Proposed Track Lead

  • Bryn Rhodes
  • bryn.rhodes

Expected participants

  • Kevin Shekleton (kevin dot shekleton at cerner dot com or kevin.shekleton on Skype)


Distribution Service

A FHIR Server that acts as a Knowledge Artifact Repository, implementing the search functionality defined for the KnowledgeModule resource.

Distribution Client

A client consuming Knowledge Artifacts from a Distribution Service.

Guidance Service

A FHIR Server that implements the $guidance operation as defined on the KnowledgeModule resource.

Guidance Client

A client that consumes guidance from a FHIR Server using the $guidance operation.

Measure Evaluation Service

A FHIR Server that implements the $evaluate operation as defined in the eCQM FHIR profile.

Measure Evaluation Client

A client that consumes measure results from a FHIR Server using the $evaluate operation.


Scenario Step 1 Name

Success Criteria:
Bonus point: