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2016-01-14 HSI WGM

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  • Review of the requests for project sponsorship from Zachary May
    • ODH Structure in CCDA
    • ODH Data Elements in V2
  • Review PSS for HSI originating project
    • MHD -- RESTful API using FHIR to access a Document Sharing infrastructure
  • Continue working on the issues tracking list.

HSI Thursday Minutes

Attendees: Laura Heermann Langford, Tone Southerland, Virginia Lorenzi, Chris Melo, Jose’ Costa Teixeira, Keith Boone, Dave Pyke

Review of the requests for project sponsorship from Zachary May

  • ODH Structure in CCDA
  • ODH Data Elements in V2

• Both projects put on hold until next call for a representative of the PSSs to be present and provide more information about the PSS and the ask of HSI.

Review PSS for HSI originating project

  • MHD -- RESTful API using FHIR to access a Document Sharing infrastructure
  • Formal name = FHIR Document Sharing
  • Any of the co-sponsors could potentially be a sponsor if needed.
  • Motion made to approve the PSS - 1 abstain, 0 oppose, 5 approve

Next Steps

  • Talk to an FMG chair to get on their agenda,
  • SD approval
  • Need ARB approval.
  • All three of these of these approvals can happen simultaneously – there is not a dependency on these.
  • David Pyke- will help with getting the approvals….
  • Laura will work iwht TSC and Dave Hamell.

Update on GAO

  • Balloted through the CDS workgroup as primary sponsor with HSI as cosponsor.
  • 117 or so comment back
  • 57 were negative (major and minor)
  • uniform split across categories..
  • started ballot reconciliation
  • have completed about ¼ of them. Have addressed the most contentious issues.
  • CQIF planned ot be tested at Connectathon – Ken took his implementation and the FHIR CT and Ken K. made it work with GAO (at the FHIR connectathon)
  • The CDSS engine he built has been effective in this area.
  • Synchronizing things with HL7/IHE nicely.
  • Deadline for implementation of accountable use in this area is still Jan 1, 2017. However, legislation in Nov 2015 came out with more info on pilot testing will not be happening until summer 2017. The disconnect of dates is acknowledged but the solution is not yet known. Perhaps the date will go back to Jan1, 2018.
  • Summary = going very well – through HSI we have been able to accomplish two different approaches to CDSS implementation.

FHIR Workflow

  • Last WGM OO, FHIR-I, PC, and cast of thousands – with standing room only, had discussion about workflow and how to address the needs of workflow in FHIR. In IHE beginning of cycle last year – had discussions with Radiology re: workflow that crated a competition for XDW and DiCOM worklist structures. Published last year.
  • Currently looking at request/response and task resource. Merging with workflow resource?
  • Discussion is oriented around task and allows for option to migrate XDW to workflow resource.
  • Reconciliation between FHIR workflow and XDW/XDS is possible.
  • Project/work is sponsored by FHIR under the FHIR 2.0 PSS.
  • HSI interest is to follow the progress of this work and encourage work previously done in XDW/XDS is not lost.
  • Work is happening during the FHIR Workflow calls – Monday afternoons and Wednesday afternoons.

Continue working on the issues tracking list. Notes made on spreadsheet

Next WGM – keep same days and quarters for meetings Request for HSI to be invited to the Monday Q3and Q4 with FHIR/PC Request invite to Tuesday Q4 SD-FHIR-I for the MHD project. (SD hosts – send request to them)

Send a note out to the membership- are we interested of presenting webinars regarding the intersection of IHE/HL7. Evangelize what we are doing here at HSI.