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2015 12 16 Minutes - CQF Data Model Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 19:05, 16 December 2015 by Bryn rhodes (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Attendees: *Bryn Rhodes *Claude Nanjo *Tom Oniki *Ann Phillips *Ashley McCrea *Chris Markle *Darrell Woelk *Ken Kawamoto *Marc Hadley *Mark Kramer *Rob McClure *Deidre Sacra ...")
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  • Bryn Rhodes
  • Claude Nanjo
  • Tom Oniki
  • Ann Phillips
  • Ashley McCrea
  • Chris Markle
  • Darrell Woelk
  • Ken Kawamoto
  • Marc Hadley
  • Mark Kramer
  • Rob McClure
  • Deidre Sacra


  • Birds of a Feature Presentation
  • ADL-FHIR StructureDefinition
  • CIMI Authoring Tool

Birds of a feather Presentation

  • Discussion about mapping
  • Scope is to present something that can transform a CIMI model to a FHIR structure definition
  • Bonus is if we can derive instance-level transformation logic
    • This is not the primary use case but would be required for utility within applications

ADL-FHIR StructureDefinition

  • Discussion about how to realize hierarchy within the resulting FHIR profiles
    • Needs to be represented using profile metadata
    • Otherwise the problem of determining type of an arbitrary instance is intractable
  • Proposed approach is to use CQL expressions to produce a FHIR structure definition from an ADL archetype definition

Next two meetings will be cancelled.