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2015 09 22 Minutes - Technical Team

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Attendees: Lisa Nelson
Brian Scheller
David Tao

Today we reviewed the Advance Direction Observation Template in C-CDA to determine if the intention of this existing template was to document the actual decision made relative to a particular type of directive. Although the description of the template's purpose is worded to clearly determine the intention for the information in the code and value elements of the observation, the examples indicates that the value element indicates what the healthcare agent's decision was regarding a particular type of intervention based on referencing the patient's wishes as documented in the referenced Advance Directive document.

David agreed that the template's purpose wasn't clear. He speculated that an alternate understanding might be that the value element was to hold the patient's directives which were applicable to the question of whether or not to do CPR. However, the example didn't support that hypothesis.

David suggested and Lisa agreed to use the time at the HL7 F2F to gather more historical perspective from Gaye, Sarah Gaunt, Rick Gimer, Brett Marquard, Terry O'Malley and/or Larry Garber to see what they recall the intention of the design to have been. Also to gather input from implementers to see if/how people currently use the Advance Directive Observation entry and the Advance Directives Section.