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20151029 OO FHIR conCall

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Revision as of 19:17, 17 October 2015 by Ehaas (talk | contribs)
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HL7 OO on FHIR (for Orders and Observations)

Call in details:
Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Passcode: 398652

Join the meeting at:

Date: 2015-10-29
2015 - 02:00 PM (Eastern Time, GMT -04 DST)
Chair: Note taker(s):
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs Riki Merrick Rob Hausam Lorraine Constable Patrick Lloyd Ken McKaslin Hans Buitendijk
Fhir Editor/Facilitator Eric Haas
Attendees | |colspan="2"|
Hans Buitendijk Riki Merrick Paul Knapp Lorraine Constable
Patrick Lloyd Rob Hausam Eric Haas


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from
  • Administrative
  • Action items
  • Discussion Topics
  • Review Tracker Items
  • Resource Review
    • Observation resource: [1]
    • DiagnosticReport resource: [2]
    • DiagnosticOrder resource: [3]
    • Specimen resource: [4]
    • NutritionOrder resource: [5]
    • DataElement resource: [6]
    • Device resource: [7]
    • Substance resource: [8]
    • SupplyRequest resource: [9]
    • SupplyDelivery resource: [10]
    • Order resource: [11]
    • OrderResponse resource: [12]
    • BodySite resource: [13]
  • Profile Review
  • Project Approvals
  • Connectathon
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items


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