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20150505 US Realm TF Call

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2015-05-05
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Facilitator Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
x Calvin Beebe Woody Beeler Keith Boone
Joe Bormel Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman
Julie Crouse John Feikema
x Ed Hammond Tony Julian Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler Lynn Laakso Ken McCaslin
John Quinn David Susanto Pat VanDyke
Visitor / Name
x x|Durwin Day
no quorum definition



  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20150428_US_Realm_TF_Call
  • Approval Item:
    • Project Approval for How to guide for Attachments for the Attachments WG of DESD at Project Insight 1071 and TSC Tracker 3028
      • Note: This was originally sent back to the WG with changes recommended for clarification of interaction with Education, ES, and, externally, X12.
  • Discussion:
    • Agenda for Paris
    • Call schedule after Paris


  • PSS for How to Guide for Attachments: Durwin Day and Craig Gabron here to discuss. Confirmed that attachments refer to claims attachments. Ed suggests saying that specifically. Ed asks about the words “minimum necessary” under scope; response is that minimum necessary is part of the HIPAA requirements. Ed asks them to clarify in statement. Austin asks that since a document is being generated without being balloted, can HL7 publish it? Durwin responds that WEDI will likely publish it. Copyright agreements are not yet finalized. Austin states that may be a barrier to TSC approval. Ed recommends that they ballot it as an informative document. Calvin: will there be a way to produce a collaborative document that can be published? The document will have to be included as a PDF or word document to be balloted. Ed suggests clarifying that LOINC is included. MOTION: Calvin moves to approve, Austin seconds. VOTE: Opposed – 0 Abstained – 0 Approved – All
  • Agenda for Paris: updated version of Mission and Charter – final approval.
  • Plan next meeting for 5/26/14

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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