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20150107 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2015-01-07
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
x John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk Hugh Glover x Paul Knapp Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel Regrets John Moehrke x Brian Pech x Brian Postlethwaite


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20141217_FMG_concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Update on remote access planning for Connectathon (David)
      • Anne to Doodle poll members on best new time for calls
      • Lloyd to send out message to implementer's Skype chat looking for implementation committee volunteers
      • Hans to forward draft of standards maturity survey to group for review
      • Review/discussion of FHIR Change Requests
      • Review/discussion of FHIR Profile and IG Balloting
      • FMG Tracker Items
      • New conference call scheduling issues
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


Called to order at 12:35 pm. Will add agenda items regarding WGM and comment submission process. Lloyd moves to approve; Josh seconds. Minutes from 12/17/14; Lloyd moves to approve, Paul seconds.

  • Remote access for Connectathon: remote access is planned and notification will go out shortly. Charge will be $100. Access will run for the duration of Saturday and Sunday morning. Webcam view and audio of proceedings.
  • New conference call time: looks to be Wednesdays at 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Eastern. Will start new time next week. Anne to update invite.
  • Invitation to implementation committee volunteers was sent out. Low response (three). Will evaluate next week whether or not we should reissue the request.
  • Draft of standards maturity: Hans will be sending it out shortly. Will review next week.
  • Comment Submission process: All changes will need to be entered as tracker items. No real benefit to maintaining ballot comments on a spreadsheet separate from tracker items. Paul’s concern is going off the GOM dictated process. Don’t get a sense of the strength of the item. Concern about not doing the regular process for this and then switching back in May. Don’t want to ignore negatives because we will run into them again. Lloyd states that we don’t have time to resolve everything, so it will not influence May that much. In DSTU or for-comment, there is not the substantive requirement. For-comment are very soft. Comments could remain open in the next ballot. Tracker will have to contain the information regarding that it came in through ballot. Josh: What if we generate a spreadsheet from the tracker items? For DSTU we will need to have separate columns. Lloyd: we will create a reconciliation document that points to the tracker for the draft for comment. We have a challenge moving spreadsheet comments into the tracker. It turns all of the content into a blob. We need to first verify that gforge can take email submission of comments and then we’ll make a decision on next steps – Lloyd will look into this. Lloyd will check with Ken and make sure that he understands the decided upon process and that he’s comfortable with it and that we can perhaps start putting a GOM change through. Put on action item list for San Antonio (Anne).
  • FHIR change requests: FMG needs to be comfortable with the process described. Group reviewed document. No changes made to “what goes in the change request tracker?” Next section: Triaging Change Requests - Lloyd made a change to this section to reflect that the triage validates, populates, and/or changes the request to do the following (bullet list). Next section: Re-assignment of requests - no changes. Next section: Approval of requests – changed phrases containing the word “automatically” to more fully describe process. Changed one-day notification requirement to reflect that WGs must be notified. Revisiting requests: no updates. Applying changes: no changes. Tracker maintenance: no changes. Motion to accept process made by Paul; Aussie Brian seconds. No abstentions or objections. Anne to add 5 minutes for Lloyd on Monday night to go over FHIR change requests.
  • FHIR Profile and IG Balloting: Group reviewed document. Discussion regarding the difference between instance and profile. Lloyd edited the first sentence to make it more clear. Will continue next week.

Call adjourned at 1:59 pm.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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20150114 FMG concall

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