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2015-12-04 HSI CALL

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Home Healthcare Standards Integration (HSI)

Meeting Information

HL7 HSI Meeting Minutes

Location: Webex 925 644 875

Date: 2015-12-04
Time: 11:00 am PDT
Facilitator John Donnelly Note taker(s) John Donnelly
Attendee Name Affiliation
Keith Boone GE
Hans Buitendijk Cerner
Chris Carr RSNA
Todd Cooper C4MI
John Donnelly Intepro Solutions
Laura Herrmann-Langford Intermountain
Emma Jones Allscripts
Elliott Lavy QuadraMed
Alex Lippitt HIMSS
Mary Kay McDaniel Cognosante
Chris Melo Philips
Riki Merrick Vernetzt
David Pyke Ready Computing
Scott Robertson KP
Elliot Silver McKesson
Bill Kleinebecker
Quorum Requirements Met: TBD


Agenda Topics

  1. Welcome, attendance, agenda review
  2. Minutes Feedback HL7 HSI 2015-10 Atlanta WGM rev1 rough draft
  3. Finalize Agenda for January WGM (Orlando)
    1. HSI Meeting Agenda (Tuesday & Thursday afternoon)
    2. HSI Roadmap Development
    3. HL7 WG Engagement (aligned to HSI Roadmap priorities)
  4. Additional Business

Supporting Documents

  1. HSI Issues Tracker spreadsheet (with proposed priorities)


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1 Agenda Review

  • Agenda reviewed and approved without modification

2 Finalize Agenda for January WGM (Orlando)

  • HSI Meeting Agenda
  • Tues Q4
  • HSI Roadmap (Project priorities discussion)
  • HSI as co-sponsor of GAO with HL7 CDS WG (HSI_ID= 15014 ) - Joint IHE/HL7 Ballot
  • IHE PCC CMAP with HL7 Vocab WG (HSI_ID= 15013 )
  • IHE PCC MHD with HL7 SD WG (HSI_ID= 15005 )
  • IHE PCC PIXm/PDQm with HL7 PA WG (HSI_ID= 15006/15007)
  • International Patient Summary correlation with multiple SDO's (HSI_ID=15048)
  • Thurs Q4
  • Review tracker for content integrity and identifying WG follow-up for clean-up of tracker rows
  • Review Work group Health items
  • HL7 WG Engagement
  • Contact target WG's for potential engagement based on prioritized HSI Tracker PSS's