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==FHIR Ballot Discussion Items==
==FHIR Ballot Discussion Items==
* Review Michelle Miller's list of items  
* Review Michelle Miller's list of items  
** re: timing and dosage
  Action: Michelle will enter each of the following items into GForge, then send an email to the listserv providing the GForge numbers.   
** Michelle offered to attend Rx session in Atlanta to work through the timing and dosage change requests.
  Action: Will add Timing and Dosage to the Atlanta WG agenda, notify Michelle.
* Rate discussion - rate range is limiting, need ratio capability
** D5W as an ingredient?
Action: Jose will submit his input to the listserv
Action: Michelle will provide her input to the listserv/email.
* Ingredient - capability to express as ratio
** TPN - how to represent compounds such as "magic mouthwash"? Michelle suggesting allowing to not express with code, only text.
* Report on QC effort of Pharmacy resources
Action: Add items to Atlanta working group meeting, notify Michelle of quarters set for this discussion.
* Any other FHIR business
* Atlanta work group agenda
** amoxicillin 250mg oral tab, 2 tablets (=500mg) TID, for 14 days
** amoxicillin 250mg oral tab, 2 tablets (=500mg) TID, for 14 days
** lisinopril, 20 mg, BID, start on 7/1/2015 at 1:00pm
** diflucan, 150mg, QD, 1 dose, start date=-stop date 7/1/2015 at 1:00pm
** NS at 75 ml/hour with a bag volume of 1000 ml
** dopaminie 400mg in D5W (500 ml)at a rate of 4mcg/kg/min, where pt weight is 50 kg
** amphotericin B 250mg + D5W 500 mL infuse over 2 hours
** Lortab 7.5/500 oral tablet
** TPN order which would have ingredients of Dextrose, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, lipids, multi-vitamins
* Report on QC effort of Pharmacy resources(DEFERRED)
* Any other FHIR business (NO ITEMS COVERED)

Revision as of 01:11, 15 September 2015


  • John Hatem (Chair)
  • Marla Albitz (Scribe)
  • Michelle Miller
  • Jose Costa T.
  • Scott Robertson
  • Tom de Jong
  • Fran Pivonka
  • Daniel Zhang
  • Dale Rajendra
  • Mike Keeler

FHIR Ballot Discussion Items

  • Review Michelle Miller's list of items
Action: Michelle will enter each of the following items into GForge, then send an email to the listserv providing the GForge numbers.  
Action: Add items to Atlanta working group meeting, notify Michelle of quarters set for this discussion.
    • amoxicillin 250mg oral tab, 2 tablets (=500mg) TID, for 14 days
    • amoxicillin 250mg oral tab, 2 tablets (=500mg) TID, for 14 days
    • lisinopril, 20 mg, BID, start on 7/1/2015 at 1:00pm
    • diflucan, 150mg, QD, 1 dose, start date=-stop date 7/1/2015 at 1:00pm
    • NS at 75 ml/hour with a bag volume of 1000 ml
    • dopaminie 400mg in D5W (500 ml)at a rate of 4mcg/kg/min, where pt weight is 50 kg
    • amphotericin B 250mg + D5W 500 mL infuse over 2 hours
    • Lortab 7.5/500 oral tablet
    • TPN order which would have ingredients of Dextrose, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, lipids, multi-vitamins

  • Report on QC effort of Pharmacy resources(DEFERRED)
  • Any other FHIR business (NO ITEMS COVERED)


  • Open discussion - no topics identified prior to the meeting

ARB Project

  • Update on 9/10 meeting from John Hatem - the meeting focused on reviewing the project deliverables and updates were made to the description of the use case guidelines and deliverables.
  • Update from John 9/14 - John will share the rough draft soon with the group.

Status on 2 Unpublished ballots - Scott

    • Scott update: Companion guide has been handed off, and seeking a way to track its status.
Action: Scott will determine for sure if this task is closed from the Rx work  group point of view.
    • Scott updated group - still need to get feedback from Shelly to be sure descriptors are correct. Scott will like to call a vote on this during next weeks call.
Action: Add this topic to next week's call.

NCPDP Implementation Guidance - Ballot Reconciliation

  • During the last meeting we passed a motion to accept a publication request. Is there any further discussion/business on this topic?


  • to be discussed on next call
Action:  Scott to send draft publication request to the pharmacy list

Work group meeting agenda

  • Reviewed schedule, Scott will update schedule with his availability, Thursday may not be fully booked. We will know closer to the conference date.

Next meeting

  • September 21, 2015