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20130918 US Realm TF Call

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US Realm Task Force Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2013-09-18
Time: 5 pm Eastern Time
Facilitator Austin Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name

Calvin Beebe
Woody Beeler
x Joe Bormel
x Lorraine Constable
briefly Farrah Darbouze
x Tony Julian
Kensaku Kawamoto
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
regrets Ken McCaslin
Ron Parker
x Brian Pech
John Quinn
no quorum definition


  • Administrivia
  • S&I Structured Data Capture discussion
  • Review of any outstanding issues
  • (Updates, e.g. the current status of the ballot going out and entertain any questions to support the vMR team if needed.


  • Convened at 5:07PM
  • SDC folks invited but they offered regrets so their team can work through project details.
  • Agenda review
  • Lorraine moves approval of notes from 20130911_US_Realm_TF_Call , Tony abstains.
  • Outstanding issues, status update. CDS arrangements for meeting with the various WGs appear to be complete. Mark/KenK with Templates appears to have been the last to get arranged.
  • WGM Thursday lunch in Paul Revere B
  • S&I Structured Data Capture discussion
    • Lorraine expresses concern that they are working with the WGs at the WGM before discussing with TSC. TSC may ask them to re-factor the project, go through a content review, etc. before they proceed. While they heard TSC concern on foundation WGs, ITS and MnM, they also need to discuss with Vocabulary. The TSC should also have opportunity to ensure that all the right groups have input. Effectively, they should go through the same process as CDS vMR.
    • Paul notes that not having been at the TSC meeting on Monday he needs an overview.
    • Forms and templates, named value pairs instead of data elements/schema, various concerns identified. No existing HL7 standards are identified in the effort. No other SDO's standards appear to be represented either as constrained for an IG, etc.
    • This work already 8 months in progress, planning to ballot after they pilot. John Quinn noted in an Accenture call and Austin found through SDWG to direct them to discuss with TSC. ONC is driving some real-world issues but that pressure will result in continuing problems if they can't provide funding along with the guidance they receive. Paul adds we need to work towards a more collaborative effort with ONC after the WGM.
    • They were told they must consider adopting ISO Datatypes; they are referring to CDA R2 for some content which is DT R1.
    • In addition to EHR, SDWG, CQI and PHER WGs they propose meeting with, they also need to meet with the foundation groups.
    • We are slightly more out-in-front of this issue than we were with CDS vMR.
    • Lorraine asks what the next steps are to get them to engage. Austin suggests they attend the Thursday lunch. Need to have them participate in the US Realm Task Force calls and form a content review team. Paul asks about TSC chair continuity - transition will occur over time complete by the first of the year. KenM and John need to be briefed.
    • Austin discussed with Ron the setup of a content review function within the ArB. Lorraine feels the ArB should welcome that. Austin hopes that ArB will discuss this in Cambridge. Role of a product director would give such material "tossed over the fence" an initial sniff test and triage for placement in the product inventory. Lorraine suggests that would be a Sunday Q3 conversation.
    • Discussion of an "HL7 101 for ONC Contractors" educational resource would be good. Paul suggests we discuss at the Monday night cochairs meeting.
  • Lorraine adds she was contacted by a company wishing to use SAIF CD in a non-health care sector.

Adjourned 5:36 PM

Meeting Outcomes


Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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