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20130529 BAM Modeling

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TSC representatives and ArB to jointly develop content for the BAM for the Product Line Architecture Program

HL7 BAM Modeling Call Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GTM 111-567-781

Date: 2013-05-29
Time: 2 pm Eastern Time
Facilitator Ron Parker Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name

x Calvin Beebe
Woody Beeler
Jane Curry
Bo Dagnall
Jean Duteau,
Tony Julian
x Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
Cecil Lynch
Ravi Natarajan
x Ron Parker
x Brian Pech
Melva Peters
Quorum Requirements Met: (yes/No)
quorum definition?



  • Review minutes of 20130522_BAM Modeling
  • update of ArB a-ha moment on three axes of product platform as a paradigm (technology binding/context); product line as a business domain (Function), and product family as a methodology (Form)
  • Discuss Security Risk Assessment Cookbook process
  • Update on Tasks identified in last discussion
    • Presentation at SDWG cochairs call on setting up PSS for the CDA R2 IG product family.
    • Present a chopped down version of Governance 101 along with concrete suggestions on what to do with their agenda especially separating out governance and management and teasing out methodology as well.
    • Need BAM checklist for initiation of PSS for CDA IG Product Family and identify deliverables of the project WRT goals/objectives/risks, RACI chart. List of things you need to establish as part of the project.

Reference Documents

  1. BAM Overview BAM status as of Jan WGM
  2. Fill in spreadsheet


Need to identify deliverables on

  • notional definition of what that product family/line would be
  • How you will stand up Governance, how you will stand up Management, how to stand up methodology. Agenda division, or governance one meeting/month, etc?
  • high-level market segmentation and statement of what they value, what constitutes success
  • PSS they would declare the interested parties, who are the customers, etc
  • Risks of doing or not doing the effort should be elucidated

Ron joins

  • Next week's SDWG cochairs call is showing unavailability for several cochairs. We can put this off to discuss next week what they need to do to develop a PSS.
  • First phase is planning on how one will stand up a product family, where the second phase is actually standing it up.
  • Austin in crunch mode for CDA R3

Adjourned 2:25 PM

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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