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20120504 templates minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 Templates Working Group Meeting Minutes

Location: Cyberspace

Date: 2012-04-27
Time: 3:00pm U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Mark Shafarman Note taker(s) Mark Shafarman
Attendee Name Affiliation
yes Shafarman, Mark Shafarman Consulting, Inc.
yes Heitmann, Kai HL7 Germany
yes Jane Curry HL7 Canada
Quorum Requirements Met: No

  1. Kai reported that that ELGA has also agreed to participate in the Templates ITS Pilot.
  2. The Templates ITS pilot was scheduled for the our steering division's 8 May conference call. But due to a lack of quorum, it has been rescheduled for Monday evening FTSD, May 14th, with John Roberts as our representative. Since the TSC requires a one week advance notification for its WG agenda, this item cannot be scheduled with the TSC until its first conference call after the May WGM.
  3. We reviewed the second version of the activity diagrams that Corinne has created to resolve the one negative we received on the January 2012 ballot of the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis Requirements. We suggested some further refinements that don't impact the overall information flows, but that move the decision processes out of the template registry, and back to the templates custodian and/or annotator and/or information consumer. I.e. the Templates Registry only documents the actions (via metadata) that are made by the other actors, and also communicates those decisions as appropriate to the other actors.
  4. Mark agreed to run again as a Templates co-chair, and Kai also volunteered. Depending on the formal requirements (to be checked w/ HL7 staff), Mark will run as a write-in candidate, and Kai could be chosen as an interim chair at the Friday Q1 meeting, to be formally elected by email ballot before the September working group meeting.
  5. We continued planning the agenda for the May Working Group Meeting.