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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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'''Minutes/Conclusions Reached:'''<br/>
'''Adoption Process Document updates'''<br/>
Re: the following update in the document:<br/>
*Removing the requirement that a Project Scope Statement must be created.  Additionally, a paragraph was included explaining instances where a PSS is not required along with Pros/Cons of creating a PSS.
*Austin:  Add another line focusing on if another Work Group is adversely impacted by a WG’s internal process, they can petition the TSC and recommend that a Project Scope Statement be created since the proposed process is not internal just to the one WG. 
Re:  Verbiage focusing on Comment Only is subject to ANSI balloting rules may be incorrect.  Project Services will research.
*Austin added the following:
*Con for non-ballot approaches: Runs the risk of not getting people’s attention
*Pro for Comment Only Ballot:  Get’s people’s attentions better
*Austin: A lot of Mandated HL7 processes are not part of the WG Health Metrics.  Hence, change this to ‘are candidates for WG Health Metrics’ instead of ‘will’
*Regarding the Outstanding Issue indicating that a Work Group should create and maintain a Wiki Page for Informal Ballot Comments, the group agreed that this should be removed, and allow WG’s to decide how they want to do that.
'''Peer Review comment spreadsheet form adapted from Ballot Comment spreadsheet'''<br/>
*SAIF AP Team should review the document and provide feedback.
*The goal of the spreadsheet is to capture and reconcile comments submitted regarding the proposed process for adoption.
'''Prepping for the Sept 2011 WGM Meeting'''<br/>
*Rick reviewed the RASCI chart today.
*Once active, may want to do the RASCI chart retroactively
*Rick will work with CDA R3 as the pilot for the RASCI chart and hopefully will have it completed enough to present at the Sept 2011 WGM.
*SAIF and Sound Whitepaper update: It’s dependant on MnM completing work on the artifact definition.  Hence there probably won’t be much to report on at the September 2011 WGM.
<br/>Gforge Accounts can be requested via:
''Adjourned 10:55 AM Eastern Time
===New Action Items ===
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Rick – Add a line based on Austin’s suggestion about if another Work Group is adversely impacted by a WG’s internal process, they can petition the TSC and recommend that a Project Scope Statement be created since the proposed process is not internal just to the one WG. 
Rick – Wordsmith Change to the Adoption Process document ‘defining a Project Scope Statement’ to ‘creating a Project Scope Statement’
Rick – Follow up regarding the Adoption Process verbiage focusing on “Comment Only is subject to ANSI balloting rules” as this may be incorrect.
Rick – Add the Pros/Cons regarding getting people’s attention
Rick – Re: Not all mandated HL7 processes are not part of the WG Health Metrics.  Hence, change this to ‘are candidates for WG Health Metrics’ instead of ‘will’
Rick – Remove the Outstanding Issue indicating that a Work Group should create and maintain a Wiki Page for Informal Ballot Comments
Austin/Rick – Have Rick attend a CDA R3 call to bring forward the RASCI work to that project.

Latest revision as of 17:49, 10 August 2011

SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-08-10 Meeting

Return to SAIF Architecture Program Wiki Home Page<br\> Return to SAIF AP Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Logistics

  • Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays
  • Time: 10:00 - 11:00 Eastern
  • Phone Number: +1 (706) 634-4215 NOTE: This call is using the pilot conference calling number!!!
  • Participant Passcode: 124466
  • Web Coordinates: Meeting ID: 768-017-802


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Adoption Process Document updates from Project Services (Haddorff) ( HL7AdoptionProcess_draftV10.doc )
    1. Peer Review comment spreadsheet form adapted from Ballot Comment spreadsheet( Review comments_ArtifactName_draft1.xls )
      1. Developed by Project Services at suggestion of SAIF AP in conjunction with proposed adoption process
  4. Prepping for the Sept WGM Meeting
    1. Present what needs to be done for a RASCI chart (which will be a Sept WGM agenda item) (Haddorff)
    2. SD WG Tuesday Q3 session in San Diego (CDA R3 and SAIF) – invite SAIF AP people to attend that, if interested.
  5. Recurring Agenda Items
    1. New Agenda items for San Diego Sept. WGM – Wednesday Q4: 20110914_SAIF_AP_Meeting
      1. Add the following to the Agenda: SAIF and Sound White paper???
    2. Pilot Coordination updates (Rick Haddorff)
      1. Any new Coordination items? (Team)
      2. Project Schedule progress (Rick Haddorff)
  6. Action item review (see below)
  7. Next steps
  8. Please complete the conference calling pilot survey. Next week starts the pilot of the new platform

Action Items to Review

  • None to review

Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge)

Meeting Attendees

X=Present on Call

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
Brian Pech Interested Participant
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
Jane Curry Tooling
Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Moehrke Security Cookbook
John Quinn HL7 CTO
Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
X Pat Van Dyke EHR WG
X Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project / SOA
Wendy Huang Implementation Conformance WG
Gary Dickinson EHR WG
Freida Hall Project Services WG
Quorum Requirements Met: No


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Adoption Process Document updates

Re: the following update in the document:

  • Removing the requirement that a Project Scope Statement must be created. Additionally, a paragraph was included explaining instances where a PSS is not required along with Pros/Cons of creating a PSS.
  • Austin: Add another line focusing on if another Work Group is adversely impacted by a WG’s internal process, they can petition the TSC and recommend that a Project Scope Statement be created since the proposed process is not internal just to the one WG.

Re: Verbiage focusing on Comment Only is subject to ANSI balloting rules may be incorrect. Project Services will research.

  • Austin added the following:
  • Con for non-ballot approaches: Runs the risk of not getting people’s attention
  • Pro for Comment Only Ballot: Get’s people’s attentions better

  • Austin: A lot of Mandated HL7 processes are not part of the WG Health Metrics. Hence, change this to ‘are candidates for WG Health Metrics’ instead of ‘will’
  • Regarding the Outstanding Issue indicating that a Work Group should create and maintain a Wiki Page for Informal Ballot Comments, the group agreed that this should be removed, and allow WG’s to decide how they want to do that.

Peer Review comment spreadsheet form adapted from Ballot Comment spreadsheet

  • SAIF AP Team should review the document and provide feedback.
  • The goal of the spreadsheet is to capture and reconcile comments submitted regarding the proposed process for adoption.

Prepping for the Sept 2011 WGM Meeting

  • Rick reviewed the RASCI chart today.
  • Once active, may want to do the RASCI chart retroactively
  • Rick will work with CDA R3 as the pilot for the RASCI chart and hopefully will have it completed enough to present at the Sept 2011 WGM.
  • SAIF and Sound Whitepaper update: It’s dependant on MnM completing work on the artifact definition. Hence there probably won’t be much to report on at the September 2011 WGM.

Gforge Accounts can be requested via:

Adjourned 10:55 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

Rick – Add a line based on Austin’s suggestion about if another Work Group is adversely impacted by a WG’s internal process, they can petition the TSC and recommend that a Project Scope Statement be created since the proposed process is not internal just to the one WG.
Rick – Wordsmith Change to the Adoption Process document ‘defining a Project Scope Statement’ to ‘creating a Project Scope Statement’
Rick – Follow up regarding the Adoption Process verbiage focusing on “Comment Only is subject to ANSI balloting rules” as this may be incorrect.
Rick – Add the Pros/Cons regarding getting people’s attention
Rick – Re: Not all mandated HL7 processes are not part of the WG Health Metrics. Hence, change this to ‘are candidates for WG Health Metrics’ instead of ‘will’
Rick – Remove the Outstanding Issue indicating that a Work Group should create and maintain a Wiki Page for Informal Ballot Comments
Austin/Rick – Have Rick attend a CDA R3 call to bring forward the RASCI work to that project.