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20110713 SAIF AP ConCall

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SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-07-13 Meeting

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Meeting Logistics

  • Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays
  • Time: 10:00 - 11:00 Eastern
  • Phone Number: +1 (770) 657 9270
  • Participant Passcode: 124466
  • Web Coordinates: To Be Determined (our GoToMeeting is booked at that time; will need to use a different one)


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Doodle Poll Results: Determining the SAIF AP Logo
    1. Review Feedback/Comments (Lloyd McKenzie email, others)
  4. Adoption Process Documents Updates/Feedback
    1. Project Services to continue to work on the Adoption Process Document in their meeting on Thursday
  5. Recurring Agenda Items
    1. Pilot Coordination updates (Rick Haddorff)
      1. Any new Coordination items? (Team)
      2. Project Schedule progress (Rick Haddorff)
  6. Action item review (see below)
  7. Next steps

Action Items to Review

1944: Should a SAIF Governance document be created via the SAIF Pilot Coordination Project? <br\>

  • MnM feedback:
  • MnM is not interested in a separate project for Governance. They feel it will be part of SAIF IG.
  • MnM is doing artifact definitions and part of the artifact definition template is baking in the governance aspect for that artifact. This will take care of some of the governance work.
  • Other aspects can governance can be part of the SAIF IG.

1862: Review the OO project and Create OO PSS's Status of the three OO Project Scope Statements

1947: Do we need a PSS for the CMET Management Clean-up and New Process? <br\>

  • MnM does not want to see a project for the CMET Management Process
  • They felt it was too fine grain for them.
  • Hence, the Adoption Process may need to be modified to determine if the process is big enough to warrant a Project Scope Statement.
  • So if a PSS isn’t needed, what is the alternative flow?

Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge) X=Present on Call

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
Brian Pech Interested Participant
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
Jane Curry Tooling
Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Moehrke Security Cookbook
John Quinn HL7 CTO
Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project / SOA
X Wendy Huang Implementation Conformance WG
Gary Dickinson EHR WG
X Pat Van Dyke EHR WG
X Freida Hall Project Services WG
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Doodle Poll Results: To include the EHR S FM project #551 within the SAIF AP initiative
Vote: Affirmative: 6 Negative: 0 Abstain: 0

Introducing New Processes to HL7 document from Project Services Work Group (aka 'Adoption Process')

  • Origination was from work on the Security Cookbook…there was no formal process documented to introduce a new process into HL7.
  • TSC asked Project Services to document such a process.
  • The draft process document has been approved by Project Services and reviewed by Charlie Mead of the ArB.
  • Austin: Perhaps add a new choice to the Project Scope Statement to indicate a ‘New/Modified HL7 Process’
  • Austin: For administering comments, another suggestion might be to create a Wiki page to capture them.
  • Austin: Regarding the RASCI chart process discussed in last week’s call, perhaps that needs to go through the Adoption Process. However, this would imply the RASCI chart process would require a project scope statement.
  • Two candidates to pilot the process: RASCI chart process and CMET management process.
  • Next Steps:
  • Project Services will consider today’s feedback and modify the document accordingly.

Gforge Accounts can be requested via:

Adjourned 11:00 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

Pat – Create a Wiki page for project #551 - EHR S FM project Austin – Send Pat how to add a Category to a project page; Copy Dave on the email. - DONE
Austin – Talk to Marketing about the Logo (after the doodle poll is complete)
Austin – Follow up with MnM on Trackers 1947, 1944 - DONE
Freida – Add to the Adoption Process document: For administering comments, another suggestion might be to create a Wiki page to capture them. - DONE
Rick – Add EHR and Security coordination to the SAIF Pilot Coordination project
Dave - add a Tracker item for the above coordination item. - DONE
Dave – Modify Project Insight to have #551 be under the SAIF AP umbrella - DONE
Dave – Send Pat the link to the Wiki Project Template - DONE
Dave – Forward the Category info to Lynn to include in the Wiki Project template page - DONE
Dave – Add the following to the Project Services Tracker that keeps track of suggested changes to the Project Scope Statement: add a new choice to the Project Scope Statement to indicate a ‘New/Modified HL7 Process’ (this might be in the Project Intent area – where the type of ballot is selected) - DONE
Dave – Create a Doodle poll for the logo