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==SAIF Architecture Program Meeting Minutes==
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===Meeting Information===
===Meeting Information===
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SAIF Architecture Program Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 SAIF Architecture Pgm Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone Number: +1 (770) 657 9270
Passcode: 124466
Web Coordinates:
Meeting ID: 768-017-802

Date: 2011-03-16
Time: 10:00-11:00 am Eastern Timezone
Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
X Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
X Wendy Huang
X Lynn Laakso HL7 HQ / TSC Project Manager
X Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project
X Jim McClay Emergency Care
X Jane Curry Tooling
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
X Robert Lario Object Management
X John Quinn HL7 CTO
X Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes
quorum achieved as defined in the Work Group Decision Making Practices?


  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Role Call
  3. Agenda Review
  4. Program Overview
    • Brief SAIF project introductions
      • SAIF Book (ArB)
      • SAIF IG (MnM)
      • SAIF Pilot Coordination (Project Services)
      • HL7 Product Quality Plan (TSC)
      • Composite Order Project (OO)
      • Behavioral Model Project (OO)
  5. What projects are still needed for standing up SAIF
    • CDA (representing document paradigm)
    • Cross Model Consistency
  6. Mission & Charter - team to create draft
  7. Meeting logistics – frequency of calls, date/time of calls

Supporting Documents

  • None


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Program Overview:
Austin won’t review SAIF today but rather what distinguishes what this program is doing vs. what SAIF is doing
Austin reviewed his Program Overview Power Point

Brief SAIF project introductions:

SAIF Book (ArB) Steve H. – Project ID: 746

  • 4 Frameworks: Behavioral, Information, Enterprise/Business, Technical
  • Intends to ballot this cycle (May 2011 cycle)

SAIF IG (MnM) Lloyd M. – Project ID: 763

  • Defining specitic artifcats; tooling validation and guidelines. Methodology to develop them.
  • Define Artifacts by May WGM
  • Process/governance piece defined by Sept. WGM; ballot in May 2012 ballot cycle

SAIF Pilot Coordination (Project Services) Rick H – Project ID: 764

  • Will work with the Composite Order Project
  • Document the relationships and responsibilities across domains;
  • Examples or recommendation for SAIF IG’s needed in the future
  • Kind of the ‘kitchen sink’ project for coordination/documentation of various items

HL7 Product Quality Plan (TSC) Austin K. – Project ID: 38

  • Goal is to develop a quality plan for HL7 products
  • In the past few months, it’s apparent the project should focus on the SAIF program.
  • This project is where Austin came up with the need for a Quality Review Board
  • This project will integrate with the SAIF IG guide project

Composite Order Project (OO) Patrick L – Project ID: 38

  • Initial projects to exercise SAIF
  • Multi-departmental project, includes work to create a template for Lab Order and the Behavior Model Project
  • Jane: To what degree is the Composite Order with the EHR FM R2?

Patrick: Plan is to work with EHR, however the current EHR FM R2 requirements are too high level, but work with EHR to dive deeper. Some of this work has already been done by Patrick at his day job.

What projects are still needed for standing up SAIF?

  • CDA (representing document paradigm)
  • Cross Model Consistency
  • Patrick’s reference to the more detailed EHR FM R2

A team Action Item is to: Conduct a review of existing project to see what needs to be brought in under the SAIF Arch Pgm.

  • Austin candidate: CMET projects

Steve: Use the EHR FM and RIM as organizing structures which the CMETs can fit under

  • Jane candidate (Patrick agrees): Template DSTU

Next Steps

  • Mission & Charter - team to create draft
  • Determine how to communicate to the HL7 membership
  • Develop a Staffing Plan
  • Determine how to recruit volunteer resources

Meeting logistics – frequency of calls, date/time of calls

  • Will meet weekly.
  • As for the time, Lloyd will be 15 minutes late regularly if we keep it at 10am.
  • Dave to Doodle Poll: As is 10-11 or 10:30 – 11:30?

Enterprise Architect Licenses

  • Patrick needs some. Will send the team

Adjourned: 10:54 AM Eastern Time

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)

Action Items to be worked on this week:

  • Patrick - send the list of tools his project team members needs this week
  • Team – Submit Logo Ideas
  • Austin – Create a draft mission and charter
  • Austin – Send out PPT to team
  • Dave – Send a Doodle poll to the listserv to get the preferred time

Action Items for the future:

  • Austin and Patrick – Break out the Patrick’s Spreadsheet that he revealed in Sydney (future)
  • Team – Develop a Mission and Charter
  • Team - Conduct a review of existing project to see what needs to be brought in under the SAIF Arch Pgm. One candidate: CMET projects

Action Items for Dave and Austin to discuss on Friday:

  • Austin/Dave – Discuss Wiki modifications
  • Austin – Upload today’s PPT to the Wiki or GForge?
  • Austin - Add SAIF PA Project Category to the Project Wiki pages
  • Dave – Create a Documents area on the SAIF Pgm Wiki or use GForge?
  • Dave – Create an Issue: How to obtain project leadership for the Composite Order Project
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Doodle Poll will determine the time
  • Review the Draft Mission and Charter
  • Reviewing the things that Patrick needs for the OO project

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