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Architecture and Review Board Meeting Minutes


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Name PresentWithAffiliationE-mail address
Conner,Kathleen YesGuestMicrosoft
Curry, Jane ArB Health Information
Grieve, Grahame ArBKestral
Honey, Alan YesGuestAffiliationE-main address
Julian, Tony ArB Mayo
Koisch, John Yes ArB
Kreisler, Austin YesGuestSAIC - Science Applications International
Lynch, Cecil Yes ArB ontoreason
Mead, Charlie Yes ArB Booz Allen
Moehrke, John YesGuestGE Healthcare Integrated IT
Orvis, Nancy Yes
Parker, Ron ArB CA
Quinn, John ArBHealth Level Seven,
Shakir, Abdul-Malik ArB Shakir
Walker, Mead YesArBHealth Data and Interoperability
Yongjian, Bao ArB GE

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 11:00am US EDT by John Koisch with Tony Julian as scribe.

John presented a slide deck with the agenda: HSSP Alignment Behavioural Framework Service Classifications

  • HSSP Alignment:
    • Three Areas that need discussing
    • Artifact Alignment
    • Process Alignment
    • Relationship with OMG

  • Artifact alignment: Aligns with HSSP service functional model.
    • The HSSP Service Specification Framework
      • Should be called out in the SAEAF as relevant material and referenced
        • Minus the “requirements” that the Logical and Platform Models happen outside of HL7
        • Functional and Semantic Profiles are relevant
        • Both have a loose coupling with Information Models
      • Both the SAEAF and the HSSP Process support MDA, Constraint Patterns.

Cecil - We need to reach out to the DSS group. They are the closest ones to implementing what we have defined. John - Agree: needed to verify the SAEAF.

  • The HSSP Process provides one means of intersection between HL7 and OMG
    • Other Intersections include the Standards MDA, SOA ML, UML, BPDM
    • The HSSP Process is encouraged and Facilitated by greater specification on the HL7 side
      • The relationship with OMG is not only considered important, but crucial
      • However, the HSSP process is not the only means of creating constrained specifications based on the SAEAF’s Analysis Specification
    • OMG wants to encourage this relationship

Charlie, Cecil, and others will massage the motion during the break.

Motion: Moved-SecondVote
As a result of discussions with HSSP representatives, the ArB affirms that the HSSP framework is in conceptual alignment with the HL7 SAEAF with respect to both processes and artifacts. In particular, the MDA-based process, i.e., the HSSP Service Specification Framework, produces a Service Functional Model, a Platform-Independent Model, and a Platform-Specific model that are, in principle, in alignment with the HL7 SAEAF. However, it needs to be made clear that this alignment is between the overarching HSSP process/artifacts -- which by definition include at least two participating organizations (e.g., HL7 and OMG) -- and HL7 as the sole producer of SAEAF-compliant processes/artifacts. This is an important distinction because it will almost certainly be the case that the SAEAF framework will result in processes/artifacts produced completely within HL7 which are not necessarily defined in the HSSP, thereby resulting in some degree of non-alignment. As the SAEAF artifacts and processes mature, it remains an open question as to how (or if) any variations between the SAEAF and the HSSP will be addressed.Charlie/Cecil7-0-2

Tony 17:27, 20 October 2008 (UTC)