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20081009 arb minutes

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Architecture and Review Board Meeting Minutes


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NameWithAffiliationE-main address
Curry, Jane ArB Health Information
Koisch, John ArB
Walker, Mead ArB HDI,

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at

Agenda approval

MMS to approve the agend below <name/name> Vote:(0-0-0)

  • Call to order
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approval of minutes
  • Transparency - Project Tracker, SAEAF Comments, and Publishing
  • Preparation for next meeting - Behavioral Framework, HSSP, Service Classifications
  • Proposal to push the First Virtual ArB Meeting out a week
  • Move the face to face meeting
  • Other business, and planning for next meeting
  • Adjournment

Approval of minutes

MMS to approve the minutes of the <meeting> as posted to <posting site> by <name/name> Vote:(0-0-0)

Agenda Item 1

example of bullet list(s)

  • level 1
    • level 2
      • level 3
    • level 2
  • level 1

Agenda Item 2

Example of numbered list

  1. Numbered level 1
    1. Numbered level 2
      1. Numbered level 3
      2. Numbered level 3
    2. Numbered level 2
  2. Level 1

Agenda Item 3

Example of grey-boxed note:  The line begins with a space!

Other business, and planning for next meeting
