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V3 Publishing WGM Minutes 20090115

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Thursday, January 21, 2009 -- 11:00 AM Eastern - Winter WGM - Orlando


  • Woody Beeler (Publishing CoChair),
  • Andy Stechishin (InM Pub Facilitator),
  • Rob Savage (),
  • Leslie Flaherty (MITA),
  • MaryKay McDaniel (MITA),
  • Don Lloyd (HL7 HQ),
  • Joann Larson (Kaiser Permanente),
  • Rob Hallowell (Seimans - Pharmacy Pub Facilitator)

Publishing and Balloting of Medicaid IT Architecture (MITA)

MaryKay McDaniel provided background on MITA (Medicaid IT Architecture) which is a large project to bring legacy systems to a modern architecture (under the auspices of Medicaid). The direction is to use a service oriented architecture.

The MITA group was tasked to use HL7 standards (RIM and HL7 V3 - based on model driven methodology). MITA would use the HDF making some optional components mandatory. The resultant specifications would produce industry standard WSDL, XSD and so forth.

Woody thanked MaryKay for helping to frame the questions that could be addressed in the Publishing Work Group and made an observation that HL7 is progressing well on the development of a service development framework, which should be compatible with the MITA directions and confirmed that the underlying MITA methodology is RUP..

MaryKay said that the MITA project would be needing to publish sometime in the next 6 to 12 months. Woody suggested that it may appropriate to see if it could be established as a SAEAF alpha project. It was acknowledged that there were some challenges in the current artifacts and their presentation format but the group saw this as an opportunity to work toward the future. The group also acknowledged that we all had a common goal in the integration of services specification into the current publishing process. MaryKay offered to join the weekly V3 Publishing telephone conference for the near future.

Issues Arising from just-completed ballot

Joann Larson had joined the committee to surface issues that she and others had noted in the recent cycle. This portion of the agenda was dedicated to documenting these and other issues for later resolution. They include

  1. Issue: Publisher's Guide is out of date (Andy from PIC co-chairs)
    Resolution: V3 Publishing will seek volunteers to work on updates and will try to work in the telephone conferences
  2. Issue: CMET inconsistency on ballot web site (Joann)
    Discussion: When navigating to the CMET via different routes, the CMET information presented is missing information (specifically in Specimen and Lab). Don commented that presentation of the CMET ballot contents was new this ballot cycle due to the distribution of the CMET to the responsible work groups. Additional work is required on this feature.
    Resolution: Don will sketch some requirements and work with Woody to ensure a consistent presentation. Need to re-engineer the CMET process to ensure there is only one link.
    Action: Don and Woody
  3. Issue: Diagram of Specimen Universal CMET, there is SubjectOf5, there is no subjectOf1? (Joann)
    Discussion: There was a general discussion on the assignment of names within the RMIM designer.
  4. Issue: Why does lite version of CMET have subjectOf1 but the full version has subjectOf5? (Joann)
    Discussion: As per the previous issue.
  5. Issue: A valid HMD had the error message: no content for this section (Rob H.)
    Discussion: It was identified that this error can occur when items are (not necessarily in error) missing. It was suggested that a comparison of elements between a model that was successful and one that generates an error may reveal the cause.
    Resolution: Woody and Don discovered in this instance the error came from not having a CMET and the error message should be removed.
    Action: Woody
  6. Issue: Many models have Receiver Responsibilities that include themselves (in pubDB) (Rob Hallowell.)
    Discussion: Woody stated that it was not a logical thing to do. It was determined that this may have been from a previous facilitator and may require manual cleanup. Ended up in Users hands.
  7. Issue: What is required of a Publishing Facilitator (Rob H.)
    Discussion: There was a general discussion how to ensure content valid for publishing.
    Resolution: Need to find motion on “line-item documentation” put forward by Patrick Lloyd in mid 2007 on a teleconference. (Look at March 2008, also)
    Action: Woody? Find resolution
  8. Issue: What constitutes a substantive change? (Rob H.)
    Discussion: Woody provided definition – “semantic” definition change and or new content in models.
  9. Issue: Is a separate SVN project for CMETs required? (Rob H)
    Discussion: Yes, created separate projects as required. The recommended project structure will be located. Need to get and summarize the “standard” directory structure

There was a closing discussion that the Publishing WG wiki needs known issues page (similar to MnM) with open/closed/resolved statuses.) Also a Wiki change.

Meeting adjourned at 12:45