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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20090311
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009 -- 4:00 PM Eastern
Beeler, Duteau, Harding, Kreisler, Lloyd, McDaniel, Seppala, Stechishin, Savage
Review Minutes of March 4, 2009
Jean/Gregg 6-0-0
SVN and Publishing
no updates
Decision Making Practices
Based on feedback from posting the first draft of the Decision Making Practices on the list, the group proposed moving to the new template for DMP. For the initial draft in the new template, group consensus was to remove chapter editors from the determination of quorum, not allow proxies with the exception of face-to-face meetings, and explore adding electronic voting (see TSC) for items requiring immediate resolution. Andy offered to continue to work on the DMP.
Notes from Don Lloyd
- HMD vs Visio XML
- Several domains (11) are still published with HMD files (between 1 to 10 files in each domain), would like to fully migrate to Visio XML
- Next deadline: Reconciliation on Monday, March 16 (there are 5 reconciliation ballots) CMETS, Datatypes
- One domain has balloted as Draft for Comment twice using UML but none of the standard publishing artifacts or process
- This domain would like a waiver to publish a full ballot without the standard publishing artifacts.
- The consensus was that a DAM is acceptable but a full domain (including Trigger Events, DIMs, and Messages) need standard artifacts for a consistent publishing and balloting process.
Motion: Austin/Rob In order to publish correctly and consistently, the submitted artifacts must be in a form that fits the current publishing process 4-0-3
Around the Table
- Austin
- Some updates are not showing up yet, Don replied these should be up presently
- Gregg
- Three appointment CMETs should be For Comment Only. The status of these CMETs does not reflect status from Gregg's PubDB. Austin suggested the publishing facilitators should submit a list of CMETs with their expected status to Don.
- Gregg also identified a problem with getting CMETs to display correctly when following different navigation paths.
- Jean
- Remove a Topic from a PubDB
- Woody did a quick demo of the Pub DB manager (hl7_pubdbmanager-2.1.x.msi) which has an option for this task.
- Remove a Topic from a PubDB