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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20081029

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 -- 4:00 PM Eastern


Beeler, Kreisler, Duteau, Madra, Lloyd, Seppala, Savage, Stechishin


Reviewed NIB Submissions

Reviewed the proposed ballot pool summary that was based on the recent NIB postings. Discovered a lost posting from PA. Don will pick this up. Otherwise, no surprises.

Discussed initial Posting of SVN Content

Some were stepping up to the new posting site. Gregg needs domain skeletons for PA, PM and RG. Beeler agreed to provide these

Split of Public Health from Regulated Reporting

Austin noted that the PHER Work Group has been seeking to create a Public Health (PH) domain that is independent of the Regulated Reporting (RR) domain, since the Work Groups are proceeding independently, and there has been problems with coordinating the submissions in every ballot cycle.

Noted the following steps would be needed to do this:

  1. Revise the RMIMs to account for for artifact identifier changes
  2. Edit the PubDb to
    1. Remove non-PH content
    2. Edit the artifact Identifiers of all PH content
    3. Revise Scope Intro and Preface
  3. Revise the CMET PubDb to create a new "topic" for PH and reset the structured sort names for the PH CMETs

This effort seemed feasible, so agreed to go forward with these changes assuming they are endorsed by PHER in their meetings this week.

Adjourned at 4:40