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SSA to VA Patient Authorization
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SSA pushes Alice's Authorization to Disclose along with a request for a copy of all of her VA health information
Based loosely on SSA - VA Patient Authorization presentation provided by Marty Prahl
User Story
Context • SSA requires that a patient sign a SSA-827 Authorization to Disclose Information to SSA before an eligibility determination can be processed. • VA requires that a patient sign a VA FORM 10-5345-SSA before disclosing information to SSA when the SSA-827 is signed with a "wet signature." User Story
- Alice, who is a disabled veteran, signs the SSA-827 at her local SSA offices where she applies for SSA Disability Insurance
- Alice also digitally signs the VA FORM 10-5345-SSA online form
- SSA sends Alice’s signed SSA-827 along with a request of her health information to the VA
- The VA compares whether Alice’s permitted disclosures in VA FORM 10-5345-SSA match those in the SSA-827 it received from SSA
- Alice’s preferences in both forms match, so VA sends SSA Alice’s VA health records
- While generating an electronic copy of Alice’s health information, the VA determines that Alice’s records include information protected under Title 38 Section 7332 such as sickle cell anemia, HIV, or substance abuse.
- VA marks the record with the Title 38 Section 7334 with the required warning to end users that Title 38 Section 7332 protected Title 38 Section 7334information is prohibited from redisclosure without consent.
- SSA receives and processes Alice’s SSA Disability Insurance application and complies with the Title 38 Section 7334 prohibition on redisclosure without consent.