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October 4, 2016 Security Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair x Kathleen ConnorSecurity Co-chair x Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair
x Mike Davis x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb x David Staggs x Mohammed Jafari
x Glen Marshall, SRS . Beth Pumo . Ioana Singureanu . Rob Horn
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Serafina Versaggi . Joe Lamy . Galen Mulrooney
. Duane DeCouteau . Chris Clark . Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
. Ken Salyards . Christopher D Brown TX . Gary Dickinson . Dave Silver
. Rick Grow . William Kinsley . Paul Knapp x Mayada Abdulmannan
. Kamalini Vaidya . Bill Kleinebecker x Christopher Shawn . Grahame Grieve
. Oliver Lawless . Ken Rubin . Paul Petronelli , Mobile Health . Russell McDonell

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Agenda DRAFT

  1. (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. (5 min) Approve Security WG September 13, 2016 Minutes
  1. (10 min)PSAF Ballot Reconciliation Review Kathleen to review and request final approval.
  2. (10 min) PSAF Ballot Mike to discuss anticipated updates in response to ballot comments and new development. Determine next ballot level and possible renaming to prep for NIB submission by 10-31.
  3. (5 min) PASS Audit Conceptual Model – Diana
  4. (10 min) FHIR AuditEvent and Provenance ballot comments - John
  5. Question: Use of FHIR Security call at 5pm ET? - FHIR Security Ballot comment and CP review and FHIM modeling of PSAF

See any new agenda at FHIR Security Agenda

John: We have just a few new items from the September ballot to discuss, resolve or assign. I urge you to look at the details, and add a "Followup" with your thoughts, questions, recommendations, etc...Using the gForge followup allows us to work on these as a collaborative group, especially useful for those that can't make the calls.


Alex Mense Chaired

  • Agenda approved. Sept. 13th Minutes are missing, so review/approval deferred until the minutes are uploaded.
  • HL7 Security WGM Minutes September 2016 Baltimore approved. Kathleen moved/Mike Davis seconded: 8-1-0.
  • Kathleen walked through proposed PSAF Ballot dispositions. John, Kathleen, and Mike discussed the relationship of PSAF overall to this ballot. Further description will be added to the next version for the January ballot.
  • Mike Davis explained his rationale for renaming the PSAF ballot to "Trust Framework for Federated Authorization" is it's alignment with NISTR 8149. This name change is included as a disposition to a comment about the title.
  • PSAF ballot dispositions were approved. Kathleen moved/Mike Davis seconded: 9-0-0. Kathleen uploaded the final PSAF ballot comments and sent notification to commenter requesting that they withdraw their negative votes.
  • Participants were reminded about the FHIR Security call later in the day.
  • Meeting adjourned.