MnM Minutes CC 20150219
M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)
Block vote to find the following persuasive and implement as described in the comments:
- 5473 - Add slicing example
- 3361 - Message endpoints should be associated with the event protocol
- 3623 - Clarify how re-slicing works across profiles
- 3807 - Should add rationale to Invariant
For discussion:
StructureDefinition - Grahame's email "Proposed Changes to the Profile & ExtensionDefinition resources" from Feb 16. Includes tracker items: 3859, 3902, 3861, 5170
- 3884 - Element and type for identifier of Conformance Resources are inconsistent
- 3873 - Explicitly specify resource/element types throughout?
- 5376 - Add realm+location to conformance resources
MnM admin tasks
- Null flavor harmonization proposal
- Act Relationship Type QA fix
- RIM inclusion in NE2015
Lloyd McKenzie (chair) James Agnew Grahame Grieve Jonathan Shellack Josh Mandel
Null flavor harmonization proposal
Discussed briefly with Rob at the start of the call and decided to defer to next cycle. Will spend some time at harmonization discussing sharing code systems across standards families
Block vote
Motion to approve block vote items: Grahame/Josh unanimous
Grahame reviewed proposal. Decision on whether to merge in DataElement will be made later
Motion to approve merging of Profile and ExtensionDefinition into StructureDefinition: Grahame/Josh unanimous
Jean joined the call
Tracker 3884
Reviewed the list of proposed changes to the conformance resources. Agreed to the following:
- Conformance: change to url : uri
- ValueSet: change to url : uri and identifier : Identifier 0..1
- ConceptMap: change to url : uri and identifier : Identifier 0..1
- Profile: change identifier cardinality to 0..1
- operationDefinition: rename identifier to uri
- DataElement: add url : uri
- ExtensionDefinition : add version : string
- OperationDefinition: rename name to code and title to name
- DataElement: created at task to improve the definition of definition (5676)
- Add copyright : String to Conformance, StructureDefinition, DataElement
- Remove code from OperationDefinition
- NamingSystem.status - rename "proposed" to "draft"
- SearchParameter: add status, date, and experimental
- DataElement - add experimental : boolean
- NamingSystem - add date : dateTime
- Add requirements to Conformacne, Profile, ValueSet, ConceptMap, and OperationDefinition
- Change copyright definition from "Publishing restrictions for the value set" to "Use and/or publishing restrictions for the [x]"
Motion:Grahame/Josh Unanimous
Agreed to adopt a consistent structure for publisher/contact information across all conformance resources: publisher : string (but called "registrant" for NamingSystem) contact [0.. *] {
name : string [0..1]; // a person name to contact about this item telecom : Telecom [0..*]; // organization or person contact details
Motion:Grahame/Josh Unanimous
James left the call
MnM Admin
Reviewed act relationship cleanup proposal. It's a technical correction
Motion to endorse: Jean/Grahame Unanimous
Jean will follow up w/ Lynn about how to find the reconciliation spreadsheet and move the RIM process forward
Tracker 3873
Motion to approve: Josh/Grahame unanimous
Tracker 5376
Agreed to add a 0..* "context" element
Motion to approve: Grahame/Josh unanimous
- 3873 - Explicitly specify resource/element types throughout?
- 5376 - Add realm+location to conformance resources
2:29pm Eastern