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March 13, 2018 Security Conference Call
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x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||
. | John Moehrke Security Co-chair | x | Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair | . | Alexander Mense Security Co-chair | . | Trish Williams Security Co-chair | |||
x | Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb | x | Mike Davis | x | David Staggs | |||
. | Mohammed Jafari | x | Beth Pumo | . | Ioana Singureanu | . | Rob Horn | |||
x | Diana Proud-Madruga | . | Serafina Versaggi | . | Joe Lamy | . | Greg Linden | |||
. | Paul Knapp | . | Grahame Grieve | x | Johnathan Coleman | . | Aaron Seib | |||
. | Ken Salyards | x | Jim Kretz | . | Gary Dickinson | x | Dave Silver | |||
. | Oliver Lawless | . | Joyce Dunlop | . | David Tao | . | Nathan Botts | |||
x | Francisco Jauregui | . | Bo Dagnall | . | Riki Merrick | . | Theresa Connor |
- (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
- (3 min) Review and Approval of March 6, 2018 minutes
- (15 min) review FHIR Verification Result resource relative to Provenance Brian Postlethwaite (PA)
- (15 min) TF4FA Report Out from PSAF call - Mike Davis and Chris Shawn
- (20 min) March Harmonization Proposals for final submission Review for approval - Kathleen - see Meeting Materials for links to proposals.
Roll Call, Meeting Minutes approval Meeting minutes for March 6, Suzanne/Mike)
- VOTE Approve: 7,
FHIR Verification Result Resource
TF4FA - report from PSAF
- Mike presented the models developed, updated.
- New model added for the trust proposal message.
- Edits done to clarify authorities, working in to fill the content
- Changed the business view to be consistent to RM-ODP methodology.
- Mike does not think there is a conflict between Volume 1, Volume 2 behavioral model because they address orthogonal requirements.
- Timelines discussed to put items together, we'd like to get it out for review, but it needs to be out by the end of the month
- Mike to post a slide deck with the models for consideration as the text will be primarily aimed at articulating the models. TF4FA Model Overview deck
Harmonization - Kathleen
- March 2018 Harmonization presentation by Kathleen
- Purpose - Overview of Vocabulary and V2 Proposals
- bringing security labels into v2 is the key
- Proposal status updates
- refinements of BH, and PSY - rationale for change discussed in detail:
- for specializing BH information sensitive - recognition of the distinct specialization - were not so fine grained to be diagnosis; intellectual disabilities
- TBI, dyslexia, hearing, blindness - these are cognitive but the physical capabilities remain intact where they have an inability to be self-sufficient (difference between developmental disabilities vs motor function/self-sustaining) - involves different programs/different stigma
- emotional disturbances - protects people with interim diagnosis (i.e. non-confirmed diagnosis) i.e. teenager with substance abuse disorder where they can come out of it) also not-easily diagnosed MH issues that do not fall in the earlier categories
- physician requested, bringing in V3 codes
- Alcohol use disorder (already approved
- Patient default information sensitivity - description incorrect, corrected
- physician requested information sensitivity - use case different from current TBOO sensitivity
Final Proposals due March 16
MOTION Made to approve these as final Opposed: none; Abstentions: none: approved: 7
Meeting adjourned at 1255 PM Arizona Time
Meeting Materials
Final Proposals and Presentation
- [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Security Authorization and Delegation ActCodes_ 20180316163407.doc]
- [2018Mar_HARM_FinalPROPOSAL_VOCAB_Security_ulrike_merrick_Sec1_Confid_HL70952v1.docx]
- [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Updates to ActReason_ PurposeOfUse codes_ 20180316131445.docx Updates to V3 Purpose of Use Codes, and inclusion of all Security Control Policy Codes into V2 for security labeling.]
- [2018Mar_ HARM_ FINALPROPOSAL_ VOCAB_ SECURE_ kathleen_ connor_ Updates to ActCode_ _ InformationSensitivityPolicy_ 20180316125109.docx Updates to V3 Information Sensitivity Policy Codesand inclusion of all Information Sensitivity Policy Codes into V2 for security labeling.]
- March 2018 Harmonization Proposal Presentation
Initial Proposals