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July 17, 2012 Security Working Group Conference Call
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Security Working Group Meeting
- Braithwaite
- Kathleen Connor
- Ed Coyne
- Mike Davis Security Cochair
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Cochair
- Timothy Godlove
- Jim Kretz
- Glen Marshall
- John Moehrke Security Cochair
- Milan Petkovic
- Ken Salyards
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Cochair
- Tony Weida
- Trish Williams Security Cochair
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve June 19 Minutes and June 26 Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (10 min) Status on establishing new Security WG call times and review of ISO standards request – Trish Williams, Cochair
- (25 min) [ HL7 Privacy and Security Classification System Ballot submission review and request for approval]; report on approved July Harmonization Proposals; and update on submission of HL7 Security SOA Project Scope Statement to Foundation and Technology Steering Division – Kathleen Connor
- (15 min) Coordination with HSSP Data Sensitivity and Tagging Project - Ken Rubin (invited) and Kathleen Connor
- (05 min)
Other Business, Agenda for Next call, Action Items, and Wrap Up
- RE Approval of Minutes and Agenda – Presiding Cochair, XXX…, asked for approval of the minutes and agenda. XXX Moved; YYY Seconded. Minutes and agenda approved/disapproved (0-0-0)
- RE New call times and ISO standards request - Trish Williams
- RE: HL7 Privacy and Security Classification System Ballot submission review and request for approval – Kathleen
- RE: Submission of SSOA PSS to Steering Division - Kathleen
- RE Coordination with HSSP
Documents for Discussion: Approved July Harmonization Proposals
- Approved PurposeOfUse Harmonization Proposal
- Approved ConfidentialityCode Technical Corrections
- Approved ActPrivacyPolicy Technical Correction
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM Eastern
Action Items
- RE
- RE