Initial Email Announcement
As a follow on to the recently executed IHTSDO:HL7 MOU, we are now exploring integration of IHTSDO Workbench with HL7 Tooling.
Over the next 6 months, we'll be trying to lay the groundwork for a pilot, whereby HL7 can use the IHTSDO Workbench for such activities as SNOMED subset creation/maintenance and SNOMED submissions. Other activities to be explored include provision of a CTS wrapper around the Workbench and managing HL7 vocabulary within the same platform.
A formal project proposal will be forthcoming, primarily sponsored by Vocab WG. Other groups we'd like to engage (as supporters or co-sponsors) include M&M, Tooling, TermInfo. Questions and discussion will primarily take place on the Vocab WG list serve.
Take care,
Russ Hamm (HL7 Liason to IHTSDO) Bob Dolin (HL7 backup Liason to IHTSDO)