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HL7 FHIR Security 2018-03-27

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Call Logistics

Weekly: Tuesday at 02:00 EST

Web conference desktop and VOIP 
Online Meeting ID: security36
Phone: +1 515-604-9567, Participant Code: 880898
 Please be aware that teleconference meetings are recorded to assist with creating the meeting minutes 

Back to HL7 FHIR security topics


Member Name Member Name Member Name
x John Moehrke Security Co-Chair x Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair . Alexander Mense Security Co-chair
x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair . Mike Davis x Joe Lamy AEGIS
x Ali Massihi . Johnathan Coleman CBCC co-chair x Nathan Botts Mobile co-chair
. Diana Proud-Madruga . Rob Horn . Beth Pumo
. Irina Connelly . Mario Hyland AEGIS . Mark Underwood NIST
. Peter Bachman . Grahame Greve FHIR Program Director x Kevin Shekleton (Cerner, CDS Hooks)
x Luis Maas EMR Direct x Dave Silver x Francisco Jauregui



  • John Moehrke - chaired
  • Did not approve prior minutes
  • Notices as in agenda: Blockchain, Heart, Chat
  • Johnathan sends regrets, so did not address ONC paper
  • Reviewed the open issues given to us by Grahame
  • ACTION to all to help uncover topics and experience on addressing the topics