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Abstract: Today, HL7 standards are widely used in health services around the world. These standards are specific to the health care industry. The difficulty of HL7 documentation encourages researchers to transform or correspond HL7 models to UML models.
UML is an ISO standard known by most software engineers. This standard can solve the drawbacks in complexity of software design texts such as HL7 standard documentation. We designed use case and sequence diagrams for the HL7 FIAB standard based on a study of HL7 v2 and HL7 v3 documentation standards.
We are working to extend our results to other HL7 products. This way we will be able to design a main method with UML diagrams for most HL7 documentation.
Comments and feedback would be very much appreciated by authors from Department of Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN. Please send directly to:
FM Tutorials
Financial Management (FM) Overview FM Life Cycle Scope of Messaging FIAB – Account & Billing FICR – Claims & Reimbursement HL7 v3 Implementation