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2018-07-18 PA Call Minutes

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Patient Administration Call

Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

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Meeting Information

PA Work Group Conference Call

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HL7 Conference Call phone number

Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Time: 12:00 PM (US Pacific Time, GMT -7)
Quorum Met (Chair+2, Yes/No)? Yes

Facilitator Brian Postlethwaite Scribe Brian Postlethwaite
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Brian Postlethwaite Telstra Health, AU
X Cindy Jiang eHealth Ontario
X Iryna Roy Gevity, Canada
X Cooper Thompson Epic, US


Agenda Topics

  1. Accept outcome of the V2 Harmonization package - Vote
  2. Ballot update – focus on work remaining to be done
  3. Tracker Issues – Ballot(s)
  4. Other trackers outside ballot (noted below)
  5. Decide what to do with the trackers from the January Core Comment 2018 Ballot
              There are a 9 that are marked for a potential block vote, and 6 others.
              Should we mark them as considered for future use?
  1. 69 trackers are in status resolved, change required – help please?

Supporting Documents


Iryna Roy moves to accept the outcome of the V2 Harmonization, Cooper Thompson 3-0-0

May Core Ballot Trackers:
16148 Encounter.reason and Encounter.diagnosis (Waiting for input)

              The existing resolution was slightly updated as is in question, deferring to next weeks call
              If not discussed then will be deferred for future use.

May Infrastructure Ballot Trackers: (wrong ballot) Just need to move and vote on wrong ballot – disposition already done.
16238 Encounter needs a outcome element
16237 Encounter.statusHistory.code should be an extensible vocabulary
16310 Add a "is-not" code to the LinkType Value Set
All 3 are Not Related Cooper Thompson moves that these are indeed in the wrong ballot, Iryna Roy 3-0-0
Action Item: These 3 trackers need to be duplicated outside the ballot so that they can be considered. (Cooper)

May Conformance Ballot Trackers: Just need to move and vote on wrong ballot and not relevant to patient – disposition already done.
16682 Will need to be updated to upcoming normative value set from the Office of Management and Budget that will be forthcoming - 2018-May Core Norm Conformance #3
Not Related Cooper Thompson/Iryna Roy:3-0-0
16336 Language value set needs to be broadened (Have complained to Lloyd that this one shouldn’t be PA’s problem, and plan to just close it as non-persuasive)
Not Persuasive Cooper Thompson/Cindy Jiang:1-0-1

May Patient Ballot Trackers:
16595 Indeterminate - 2018-May Core Norm Patient #11 (close it with no comment asked)
Not Persuasive Cooper Thompson/Cindy Jiang:2-0-0
16129 (disposition documented – have reached out to Claude if he wants to attend)
This will get further examination, the detailed description is actually incorrect- states that it should not be treated as valid, which is incorrect.
--- Meeting ended here, next week will pick up from here ---
(and retry 16148, 16129)

Other Trackers:
Brian recommends not persuasive trackers:
15895, 16230, 16040,

Work on 17362 (Patient everything parameters)
If have time look at 15588 and 15841 (both on Patient)

Also, what I would like to request is that if there are other trackers outside patient that you really want to have covered for R4, we need to get those resources identified as included in the next ballot, as it’s not just going to be an open ballot for the spec, only focussing on resources that have changed.

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Next telecom meeting: Wednesday 18. July 2018


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