Patient Administration Call
Meeting Information
PA Work Group Conference Call
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Meeting Information
PA Work Group Conference Call
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Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM (US Pacific Time, GMT -7)
Quorum Met (Chair+2, Yes/No)? Yes
Line Saele
Brian Postlethwaite
Brian Postlethwaite
Telstra Health, AU
Line Saele
HL7 Norway
Iryna Roy
Gevity, Canada
Cooper Thompson (first 30 minutes)
Epic, US
Lori Fourquet
ehealthsign, US
Agenda Topics
- Notification of Intent to Ballot (vhdir) 15 July deadline
- Connectathon tracks for Baltimore
- HL7 v2.9 progress
- FHIR Tracker Items
Supporting Documents
NIB deadline identified, vhdir NIB to be submitted
No connectathons tracks currently planned that are PA specific – apart from the Patient track (Cooper identified that he may be participating in a subscription track – which may be under another name)
Gave minor update on the Questionnaire workshop
V7 ODH resolutions have been submitted to Alex, but still looking to discover how this is to be done to close the loop. Rikki was assisting with it, but still unclear on process.
Lori suggested that some of the resolutions may have required to be re-balloting
The September ballot content is essentially due on 5 August, which leaves 5 weeks to get changes applied.
Tracker content to get through:
core open trackers (from wrong ballot - core): 3 (16238, 16237, 16310)
core open trackers (from STU ballot): 2
core open trackers (from patient ballot): 4 typos – auto approved, 2 waiting for input
vhdir trackers (Jan ballot): 31
core approved changes (still to be applied): 61
Reviewing tracker 16951 – question was answered, and a vote taken to approve it
Question answered Brian/Iryna 3-0-0
Block vote on patient ballot typo trackers 16608,16607,16606,16611
Persuasive Brian/Iryna 3-0-0
Next Call:
V2: Alex/Iryna to confirm the time and send notification to Lori/Rikki (and pa group)
FHIR: 11th July 2018
Action Items:
Brian to provide Line with the description of change in the ballot
Line to complete the NIB
Brian to check with Lloyd on what is to be done with the wrong ballot trackers (3)
Brian to check with Lloyd on process for ballot item 16595 as insufficient information in tracker to do anything.
Brian to chase Claude over 16129 to see if he needs to be there for the resolution we’ve pre-drafted.
Brian to process through the vhdir 31 trackers and propose dispositions for a block vote
Line to chase Alex/Irma on timing for v2 call 😉
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
- Next telecom meeting: Wednesday 11. July 2018
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