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2018-03-13 BR&R Conf Call

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  • Ed Helton (Chair)
  • Hugh Glover (Scribe)
  • Julia Chen
  • Jean Duteau
  • Julie Evans
  • Bill Friggle
  • Jose Galvez
  • Norman Gregory
  • Smita Hastak
  • Wendy Ver Hoef
  • Catherine Hosage Norman
  • Robinette Renner
  • Gary Saner
  • Rik Smithies
  • Ulrike Wagner
  • Mead Walker

Agenda Items and notes

1. Minutes Approval

Minutes from conference call 27 Feb approved (Julie Evans, Norman Gregory 15,0,0)

2. Ballot Status

  • Ed Helton gave a quick review of current ballot plans.
  • BRIDG will be balloted again in May - all admin process have been done.
  • Further work on a pathology structure report is likely to be January 2019

3. PSS Review and Approval

3.1 MedicationKnowlege and Medication Logical Model

Jean Duteau presented a PSS from Pharmacy on creation of a logical model as a basis for both the pharmacy medication and BR&R IDMP models. Approved (Jean Duteau, Mead Walker, 15,0,0)


4.1 FHIR Tracker Items

The proposal is that the use of the Condition resource to represent Study Conditions is replaced by the coded list of Conditions already in place in FHIR. Proposal approved unanimously.

  • Subject Revision

For more detailed discussion at the next call.

ACTION: Julie Evans

4.2 IDMP Related Models

  • The IDMP sub group met on Friday 9th for a general report back.
  • This is a joint exercise with Pharmacy and there are two PSS than need to be approved

ACTION: Boris Brodsky

  • Rik Smithies will do a session to update the group at the WGM in Cologne.
  • There is an example in the current FHIR build, but it is incomplete and Rik will be further developing this for the WGM
  • There is a hope this will be in the connectathon in September.

4.3 Lab model in conjunction with Transcelerate

  • Transcelerate representatives have done an initial mapping
  • report back to the next BR&R conference call

ACTION: Julie Evans

4.4 Clinicians on FHIR

  • Hugh Glover talked about the CLinicians on FHIR activity on Friday's at WGMs. This is an opportunity for people to try building resource instances with others around to help when required. It is not a connectathon.
  • Hugh wondered if this was an event BR&R could make use of to gain familiarity with relevant resources.
  • Bill Friggle asked that at the next BR&R conference call there was a demo of what was involved. He also wondered if there could be a link to other Research Clinicians at the same time. This is something to pick up with Wayne Kubick.

ACTION: Hugh Glover

5. Action Item List

  • Hugh suggested maintaining an Action Item spreadsheet - there was no dissent!

6. AOB


This website seems to be an active copy of much of the BRIDG material with a claim to copyright, but no connection with BRIDG that anyone is aware of. Needs further investigation.

ACTION: Hugh Glover

6.2 Tracking items of interest

  • Bill Friggele asked if there was a single source of truth for projects and particularly PSSs that are of interest o BR&R and similarly for relevant FHIR resources. He wants to be able to guide himself and others to areas of interest that are appropriate.
  • Mead Walker pointed out the HL7 Project database accessible from the front page of the HL7.ORG website ([here])
  • There was a suggestion that this link be placed on the front page of the BR&R wiki. It was not clear if the Project Tracker covered all PSS or only those that have been approved.

ACTION: Hugh Glover will investigate