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20170622sdwg agenda

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  1. Call to order
  2. Business Updates (10 min)
    • Additions/modifications to the agenda
    • HL7
      • RIM (AKreisler)
        • Harmonization Initial Proposals Due EOD June 16th.
      • Steering Division / TSC (CBeebe)
        • NIB Deadline for Sept Ballot Cycle: June 25th
        • Reconciliation Deadline for current cycle: July 16th
        • Nominations for SDWG Co-chair positions (2 open) close on June 16th (contact: Linda Jenkins (HL7) <>)
      • Vocab (RHausam)
      • Pub facilitator (AHenket)
      • Electronic Services and Tools (JBrown)
      • Patient Care (LNelson)
      • Example Task Force (Brett)
  3. External Initiative Updates - ONC and others
  4. Project Updates
  5. Pharmacist eCare Plan NIB (10 minutes)(S. Spiro)
  6. Adjournment