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2017-03-22 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2017-03-22
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. Wayne Kubick, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
Hans Buitendijk x Brian Postlethwaite Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel x John Moehrke Regrets Brian Pech
x Grahame Grieve .


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 2017-03-15 FMG_concall
  • Action items
    • Brian to check with Publishing on approval for balloting process PSS
    • Anne to update liaison spreadsheet once transition to BRR takes place - on hold for approvals
    • Josh to invite one of the authors of the SOA methodology document to an upcoming call
    • Paul to take publication naming convention ideas (R3 vs. STU3) to TSC
      • Ran out of time again on TSC - add for next week
    • David to send out request for Connectathon proposals with due date of 3/22
    • Stale Items - Actions
      • David will suggest some words to add to the summary spreadsheet to explain the columns
  • Discussion Topics
    • STU3 report
    • STU naming confusion
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Agenda Check
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Lloyd
  • Minutes from 2017-03-15 FMG_concall
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Post/Lloyd
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Action items
    • Brian to check with Publishing on approval for balloting process PSS
      • Add for next week
    • Anne to update liaison spreadsheet once transition to BRR takes place - on hold for approvals
      • Add for next week
    • Josh to invite one of the authors of the SOA methodology document to an upcoming call
      • Add for next week
    • Paul to take publication naming convention ideas (R3 vs. STU3) to TSC
      • Ran out of time again on TSC - add for next week
      • Add for next week
    • David to send out request for Connectathon proposals with due date of 3/22
      • Complete
    • Stale Items - Actions
      • David will suggest some words to add to the summary spreadsheet to explain the columns
      • Add for next week
  • Discussion Topics
    • STU3 report
      • There is a problem with the current publication tool around snapshot generation - not handling slicing correctly, which impacts content as well as IGs. Working to figure that out. When that is resolved, it will be a technical correction. Other fixes have also been made that will have to be TCs. May look at forcing the business version of the different infrastructure artifacts to correspond to the release. When slicing issue is resolved we'll put together plans for pushing these items out.
      • Grahame: Biggest problem is that people were getting old content out of caches - looking at how to solve. A couple of broken URLs will be fixed in US Core IG. Lloyd: For R4, WGs could commit some non-valid examples purely for testing purposes. David: Is there an opportunity here to consider getting a funded outside resource to do this kind of thing? The idea is to figure out how we could put in place a process to product invalid sample files that give us coverage with the goal being a process that can be done by someone who understands the technology but not the business domain. Lloyd: Once we figure out what they would look like and how long it would take to product them we could put it out to the WGs. David: We had 45 or so QA reviewers - a number of those folks offered to do more if needed; that could be another source.
        • ACTION: David to reach out to QA reviewers to find out if they would be willing to assist in sample generation
      • Lloyd: FHIR core went out, US core went out, and SDC and DAF research did not because the publication requests were not submitted in time. May want to coordinate pushing those up with pushing up a patch on the Core spec.
      • FHIR path is not finalized. Posted it in the correct place but the publication request hasn't been completed so we could handle any issues that came up this week.
    • STU naming confusion
      • Technical staff and implementers found the fact that US Core is STU1 while the rest is STU3 is confusing.
        • ACTION: Grahame to take issue of STU naming confusion between IGs and US Core to TSC
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Current registration is 19. Need to start ramping up interest from ordinary attendees.
        • ACTION: David to write email encouraging people to register and confirm interest
      • Reviewed Connectathon proposals
        • Provider Directories and Scheduling: check back on it next week.
        • Attachments: looks good
        • C-CDA on FHIR: looks good; no test scripts.
        • CQF on FHIR: looks good
        • DAF: Needs to be changed to US Core. Eric will check to see if Brett and Dragon are going to be there. Should probably be marked as tentative.
          • ACTION: David to reach out to track leads to determine if they will be attending/if track will have sufficient representation to run them.
          • ACTION: Continue to review confirmed tracks next time.
        • Discussion over upcoming Connectathon in Chicago. Do we think that FMG endorsement of Connectathons on an ongoing basis is relevant, necessary, or appropriate? Grahame: We do have people whiffing on the Connectathon brand, calling things Connectathons that really aren't. We should be clear that we endorse the event for FMM metrics. We want to ensure that they're provisioned properly. John: To what extent do we want to hold these reigns tightly? Lloyd: Value to the community in having the ability to ask for reference servers to be up during a specific time; the other thing would be maintaining a calendar on with FHIR-related events. We could include a "what is a Connectathon" definition. But for FMM levels I don't think we need to endorse things anymore.
    • FGB
      • Did not meet this week
    • MnM –
      • Did not meet
    • FMG Liaisons
      • Lloyd: It would be useful to do some sort of a debrief with the WGs and the commiters around process and lessons learned. We could do a Sunday Q4 in Madrid, except a lot of people won't be there. Perhaps we could schedule a special call, or capture comments on a wiki page or document. John suggests doing it sooner than waiting for the meeting so it's fresh in people's minds. Could use the FHIR-I call for that purpose next Monday. Decision to give multiple options to participate including Zulip, doc, and participation in FHIR-I call.
  • Adjourned at 5:24 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

2017-03-29 FMG concall

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