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2016-06-22 SGB Conference Call

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HL7 SGB Minutes


Date: 2016-06-22
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern
Facilitator Paul/Calvin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

x Calvin Beebe
x Lorraine Constable
Russ Hamm
x Tony Julian
x Paul Knapp
Austin Kreisler
x Wayne Kubick
Mary Kay McDaniel
x Ken McCaslin
Regrets Rik Smithies
x Brian Pech
no quorum definition


  • Agenda review
  • Minutes review of 2016-06-15_SGB_Conference_Call
  • Discussion Topics
    • Risk assessment
    • Defining the role of product director - joint with ARB
      • Need to invite Grahame to discuss
    • CDA Product Family Formation
    • Further discussion on SGB Guidance on IG Conformance Statements (from 2016-02-22 TSC Call)
    • Role of Steering Divisions
    • FHIR Governance Board
    • Balloting standards which are cross-product family


  • Minutes review of 2016-06-15_SGB_Conference_Call
    • MOTION by Calvin; second by Ken.
    • VOTE: Lorraine and Wayne abstain; remaining in favor.
  • Decision to cancel July 6
  • Need to get key risks identified by mid-July. By September we should have a pathway and some actionable items. Need to achieve formalism and consistency as opposed to new stuff. Lorraine: Publication is broader than what is listed here; it's also how we curate the material that we've already published - managing the life cycle. Calvin: So we have Development, Publication, Implementation, and Maintenance. Need to get maintenance in our mindset. Establishing new processes in half the organization for different product families is a definite risk. Need to determine impact of risks to prioritize. Wayne: Maybe we should look at the risks from a top down view of the organization so we don't get paralyzed. Need a small, focused list of critical risks. Paul: The risk stuff has to be looked at as a long-term thing. Calvin: In regards to HTA - are there different risks being manifested in the universal standards vs. the US Realm standards? Paul: I think the kinds of risks that would occur would be universal, in general. Realms could have different patterns of severity of the risk. Calvin: In US Realm, the use of VSAC that is stored externally raises interesting challenges; VSAC is looking to HL7 to maintain them/keep them current. We're beginning to see some challenges in production because of the problem keeping value sets current. Paul: Not sure why that became our work. Wayne: We had some interesting ideas, like we need a framework or tree structure. Then we started a list of risks. The third level would be to apply the risk template and a mitigation strategy. Brian: In terms of risks, it goes back to what's the purpose of the organization, which in my mind is publishing. Paul: A big part of our value proposition is that we're ANSI accredited. We need not just the mechanics of the publication, but how do we identify and manage risks related to the principles by which we must operate in terms of accreditation. Wayne mentions the differences between our regular processes and the FHIR processes. Discussion over different publication processes across families.
  • Balloting standards which are cross-product families
    • Lorraine: discussed on FGB. Paul: We'll eventually develop precepts to cover this issue.
  • Upcoming items for July/August:
    • Role of product director - August
    • CDA product family formation - has been socialized. MnM has had a challenge achieving quorum and may merge with FHIR-I. That may have a ripple effect on the fact that they're to be the V3 methodology group as they are also the FHIR methodology group. FHIR-I is the doer and MnM is the abstract. It's kind of a PLA issue, plus will impact us on an SGB perspective. May also be a TSC issue. Ken: At some point we need to have a reckoning. Wayne has pointed out that things need to be simplified, and we are making things more complicated with the SGB in some instances. We're going to have to re-do the organization; already rumblings regarding steering divisions. Is this something we have to address right away, or do we let it percolate? Need to be prepared to have that conversation once more data is gathered. Calvin: Who is doing the gathering and what is the process to review it? Ken: That issue is part of the problem we have. Calvin: Perhaps the TSC could brainstorm at the WGM. Group agrees. Wayne: We need to look at transparency issues as well. Will revisit in July.
  • Plan for upcoming weeks:
    • For next week: Take a look at the major categories. Are we missing any? Should others be made a priority?
    • Mid-July: Start to grab on to our priority items and start to categorize them.
    • End of July: Review with HTA, triage based on precepts
  • Lorraine, Wayne, Tony, and Paul out next week. May not make quorum. If not, will send out homework for 2016-06-13. First part of homework would be to look at the structure without the details. Paul will send email to group.
  • Adjourned at 11:05 am Eastern

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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